Sunday 17 July 2016


Generaal Titus Gaius se Triomfboog in die Romeinse Forum, Rome - dis reg langsaan die Colosseum. 

Wie is Flavius Josephus? En wat het hy te sê oor ons NT geskrifte? 

Dit lyk of Josephus die geskrifte van Paulus geken het want hy het daaruit aangehaal toe hy met die Grieke oor die liggaamlike opstanding uit die dood geargumenteer het. 

Het Christus aan die Kruis gesterf? Of was Shlomo Piprz reg dat die dissipels Sy liggaam in die nag kom steel het? Shlomo het immers hierdie bewering teenoor my gedurende 2014 gemaak – dis ‘n ou storie wat steeds die rondes doen.

Wat het van die geskrifte geword wat in die tempel was toe Generaal Titus Jerusalem verwoes het? Daar is ‘n redelike betroubare weergawe hieroor. 

As jy meer hieroor wil hoor moet jy Maandagaand 25 Julie 2016 om 18:00 kom luister want dan gaan Neels Coertse onder andere hieroor praat. Die ontmoeting is by Parkkruin NG Gemeenskapskerk, Dundalk Laan, Parkview – sommer stap afstand van die Dieretuin en die meer.

Jy hoef nie in die verleentheid te wees oor die outentiekheid en betroubaarheid van ons NT Geskrifte nie

Tuesday 12 July 2016


Hoe betroubaar is ons Nuwe Testamentiese Skrifte? Hoe outentiek is dit? Miskien is dit vrae wat jy al gevra het of moontlik selfs jou eie navorsing gedoen het.

Christus het nie aan die kruis gesterf nie. Sy liggaam is deur Sy dissipels gesteel en vir Moeder Maria gegee wat dit na ‘n ander land geneem het – aldus Shlomo Piprz. Dis ‘n ou storie wat in 2014 deur ‘n Jood oor vertel is.

Ek het al gehoor dat Petrus beskryf was as ‘n redelike oningeligte visserman. Moenie dit glo nie. Hy was besonder goed onderleg in die Ou Testamentiese Skrifte – dit was immers die enigste Skrifte wat hulle destyds gehad het.

Petrus skryf aan die gemeente in die Diaspora en vertel hulle hy het die stem uit die hemel self gehoor “… toe ons saam met Hom op die heilige berg was. En dit het vir ons die boodskap van die profete nog meer bevestig.” [2 Petrus 1:18] Petrus verwys natuurlik na die gebeurtenis waaroor Matteus in Hoofstuk 17 skryf. Petrus was een van Johannes die Doper se dissipels. Dit beteken vir my dat die Doper sy dissipels goed opgelei het.

Die Doper was dié mens wat Christus drie keer uitgewys het as Messias sonder dat Christus ‘n woord met die Doper gepraat het.

As jy meer hieroor wil hoor moet jy Maandagaand 25 Julie 2016 om 18:00 kom luister want dan gaan ek onder andere hieroor praat. Daar gaan nog baie ander aspekte wees waaroor ek gaan praat. 

Dit vind plaas by die NG Gemeente Parkkruin Gemeenskapskerk, Dundalk laan, Parksig.

Monday 11 July 2016


Good deeds still occur in life - even in a prison with prisoners breaking free to help their jailer who apparently suffered a stroke.

Lately we are bombarded by Police brutality and the "innocence" of the "victims."  Looking at the video clips it seems as if the good guys are the civilians and the baddies are the police. Whether this is factually correct or not, it is all in our faces. It is easy to feel somewhat bewildered and lost in the mayhem.

Are there only bad people out there doing bad things? Or are there still something good and positive going in life? Whether in South Africa or overseas? Here is a wonderful story about prisoners who broke free from custody to save their jailer's life. Is it true? Yes, have a look at the video footage by clicking here. Remarkable!

I remembered an incident in Randburg Magistrate's Court some year ago. I was attending to a matter and walking in the corridors looking at the people sitting, standing around and just walking about. Earlier that morning I was in this specific courtroom and a Metro Police lady officer was giving evidence against an accused. The magistrate was standing the matter down for a time and she and the accused left the courtroom to sit outside on the benches. By the time I left the courtroom, they were sitting next to one another and just watching the other people going about their business. 

All of a sudden the accused fell off the bench and landed on the floor. In a flash this Metro Police lady flew off the bench and landed on top of him and started CPR and mouth to mouth. What felt like ages the ambulance arrived and took over from her - by that time she was utterly exhausted. This is something you will always remember: the one moment she was giving evidence against him; the next she was trying to save his life!

Please write me an e-letter at my e-address; and tell me about something positive that happened today in your life.

Let us do good even in the face of all the bad that are surrounding us - that is part and parcel of the Christian life.

Thank you for reading my posts.


Good deeds still occur in life - even in a prison with prisoners breaking free to help their jailer who apparently suffered a stroke.

Lately we are bombarded by Police brutality and the "innocence" of the "victims."  Looking at the video clips it seems as if the good guys are the civilians and the baddies are the police. Whether this is factually correct or not, it is all in our faces. It is easy to feel somewhat bewildered and lost in the mayhem.

Are there only bad people out there doing bad things? Or are there still something good and positive going in life? Whether in South Africa or overseas? Here is a wonderful story about prisoners who broke free from custody to save their jailer's life. Is it true? Yes, have a look at the video footage by clicking here. Remarkable!

I remembered an incident in Randburg Magistrate's Court some year ago. I was attending to a matter and walking in the corridors looking at the people sitting, standing around and just walking about. Earlier that morning I was in this specific courtroom and a Metro Police lady officer was giving evidence against an accused. The magistrate was standing the matter down for a time and she and the accused left the courtroom to sit outside on the benches. By the time I left the courtroom, they were sitting next to one another and just watching the other people going about their business. 

All of a sudden the accused fell off the bench and landed on the floor. In a flash this Metro Police lady flew off the bench and landed on top of him and started CPR and mouth to mouth. What felt like ages the ambulance arrived and took over from her - by that time she was utterly exhausted. This is something you will always remember: the one moment she was giving evidence against him; the next she was trying to save his life!

Please write me an e-letter at my e-address; and tell me about something positive that happened today in your life.

Let us do good even in the face of all the bad that are surrounding us - that is part and parcel of the Christian life.

Thank you for reading my posts.

Wednesday 6 July 2016



[this image was downloaded from the Internet]

Can you believe this lot?

The hated dompas is back courtesy the South African Police Servives. It is parading heavily disguised as a South African Identity Book. That is Professor Rabelani Dagada's experience. His story was published on News24 voices web on 5 July 2016; you will agree with me that News24's website is pretty powerful. 

Professor Dagada writes, and you can read his whole story by clicking here:

"DURING the May 2008 xenophobic attacks in South Africa, I had to retreat to Rustenburg because of fear of being attacked. A lot of Vhavenda and Shangaans, who are actually South Africans, are regarded as “Makwerekwere” a derogatory term which black African foreigners are called by some people in South Africa, and thus they (Vhavenda and Shangaans) too suffered from the xenophobic attacks.
Even today, I cannot walk Joburg’s inner city streets without my identity book because otherwise I will be arrested due to my very dark complexion. I have never gone to the inner city and left without being asked for my passport."
I do remember how Black people were arrested and bundled into the back of the dreaded Black Maria's - that was how the police vans were called.

Well, let me return to the Professor's story line and remind you what these dompas really looked like:

This is a well used dompas. Why this one is cancelled, I don't know. 
[image downloaded from the internet]

He tried speaking to the SAPS in English and even in IsiZulu but that is too bad and it might get him into further trouble; the police officers might think he is Zimbabwean. He resorts nowadays to his native Tshivenda. He further tells the story that it is "... it is only black African policemen who treat me like this." Is this racism? Black on black? It cannot be law enforcement. Maybe the Professor might have an answer to this question. In the meantime, please help me.

 Look at this well used rubber stamp. 
[image downloaded from the internet]

What can I as a whitey do about this lot? If you encounter such a incident on the street, you might try and reason with the policeman; I suggest that it would be at your own peril and you might regret it speedily. There was this story told to me about a similar incident. A white person witnessed a police officer being very aggressive towards another black person. Whitey stopped his vehicle, got out and inquired what the reasons were. He was informed that the civilian did not have his passport with him and that was the reason why the officer wants to arrest this man. Whitey offered his hands and said: "Please arrest me as well because I don't have my passport with me either." The police officer "warned" the other man and "... let him off the hook."

At the moment I am protesting against it and say to the Professor that I do hope that it will never happen again to him. 

Government release a document called NATIONAL ACTION PLAN to COMBAT RACISM, RACIAL DISCRIMINATION, XENOPHOBIA AND RELATED INTOLERANCE. Government called for the public to react to this by no later than 30 June 2016. I submitted my views and recommendations. I will publish in a subsequent article.

Saturday 2 July 2016



Ek het hierdie foto van die tempel wat in die Romeinse Forum in omtrent 484vC opgerig was, geneem. Dit was ter ere van die beskermengelle vir die seevaarders. 

Die uithangbordjie oor Castor en Pollux

Het jy al gehoor van die skip met die snaakse naam CASTOR & POLLUX? Wel, Paulus het daarop na Rome gevaar om daar verhoor te word. Jy onthou seker hoe Paulus gearresteer was vir sy opruiende prediking en toe verhoor was? Skielik beroep Paulus hom op die Keiser. “Agrippa het vir Festus gesê: “Hierdie man kon vrygelaat gewees het as hy hom nie op die keiser beroep het nie.” [Lees dit in Handelinge 26:32 & 28:11 – lees sommer die hele hoofstuk].

Ds Chris Du Preez het al in een van sy preke verwys na Jesus wat ‘n boodskap vir “… daardie jakkals …” gestuur het [Lukas 13:32]. Waarom het Christus die volgende snaakse woorde gesê: “… dit kan nie gebeur dat ’n profeet buite Jerusalem omkom nie.”? Christus het doelgerig Jerusalem toe gestap, reguit na Sy dood toe. Ek dink dat Flavius Josephus agtergrond verduideliking hiervoor het. Christus was getrou aan die wet van Moses - getrou tot in die dood om ons vry te maak.

Hoe bring ek dit by Josephus uit? 

Kom luister Maandagaand 25 Julie 2016 om 18:00 in die Kerksaal van Parkkruin NG Familiekerk, Dundalklaan 13, Parkview wanneer ek hieroor gaan praat [en oor ander goeters].

Monday 27 June 2016


I want to deviate somewhat from the usual write-ups. Maybe I am a little bit nostalgic especially if you consider that I am not a rugby fan at all. Yet, digging deep into my memory bank, I remember the late Gerhard Viviers and his radio commentaries on boxing and rugby. 

Old Spiekeries!! 

That was his nickname. 

I mostly concentrated on his boxing commentaries, whereas my late father loved listening to Spiekeries' broadcasts when the Boks were taking on the world. 

During those years we even had a Jewish rugby player with the name of Syd Nomis who made it to the Springboks team. Gerhard got excited about this player - you can listen to Gerhard by clicking this link. I can still see Syddie grabbing the ball and off he went and that is without computers, TV or YouTube!! Please listen to this sound clip.

I give credit for this image I downloaded from the internet - thank you and I honour you as the source.

And then there is this soccer commentator from Iceland Gudmundur Benediktsson who also got excited about his soccer team. This is a must. This video clip of Gudmundur reminded me of Gerhard Viviers many many years ago. BBC Radio had a follow-up with Gudmundur and you can listen to it by clicking here. He doesn't know what he was saying - I really think that it does not matter what he said. I assure you that I don't know a word of Icelandic but looking at this video clip, I understand it perfectly well.

Why do I write about this event? Because technology is at our fingertips - it is so prevalent and it is mind-boggling. Gudmundur's broadcast happened far away and I was able to enjoy it. That is not the only reason why. 

Prof Willie Van Der Westhuizen recommended the other day to us attorneys to get Clem Sunter's book  THE FOX TRILOGY co-authored with Chantell Ilbury. Last nigh I got another book by Clem 21ST CENTURY MEGATRENDS PERSPECTIVES FROM A FOX. 

My wife and I had supper at a restaurant and I read her a short story from that book: The disappearing art of handwriting. He tells this story of him sitting on an aircraft busy writing something with his hand. A young lady watched him while she was writing/typing on her laptop. You see the difference? Him writing by hand; she typing. 

My wife wrote a letter to our son who practices as an attorney in Dubai and sent it to him when we sent his bicycles to him in Dubai. It touched my son's heart to the extent that he published it on his Instagram account. You can look at Moeks's letter by clicking here

Clem Sunter's story goes back to 1980's sitting with his mother's handwritten love letter to him. If I read Clem's story correctly, it seems as if Clem had that letter with him on the aircraft. Can you imagine what that letter did to this world renowned authority? Keeping his mom's handwritten letter with him on the aircraft - is he carrying this letter in his pocket since the 1980's? 

In essence Clem juxtaposed the old and the new. 

This is in essence my stories as well: juxtaposing two eras. And both are valid.

When last have you written a love letter by hand? I haven't for some years. The last I can remember was to my mom some years ago when I was waiting for my flight from Durban to Joeys.