Showing posts with label Syria. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Syria. Show all posts

Friday 24 February 2023

Week 8 The day the Earth moved How the Turkey earthquake tore a 300-kilometre rupture through the Earth’s surface

An attempt to make sense of the earthquake in Turkey that ripped open an olive grove.

An attempt to make sense of the quake in Turkey that ripped open an olive grove

Midnight Monday 13 February 2023 I was doing art in my lounge while my wife was sleeping when I received a whatsapp message from my brother-in-law living in Wellington, Western Cape, South Africa. I was shocked and intrigued at the same time. Being a lawyer for more than 42 years, one of my other reactions was that this is a fake and a fraud. But I kept looking. And listening to the background noises. I heard as background, the muezzin (mu'adh-dhin in Arabic) calling the people to prayers. That had the sound of truth in it. But I was still sceptical. And then I saw the fissure with part of the olive grove deep down in the crater [?]. I kept looking. Eventually, I was somewhat convinced. But not too sure.

I decided to google it. And I got other footage of the same area captured by what seems to me different drones at different times. And I was convinced.

This took place on 6 February 2023 and this massive fissure ripping the olive grove apart was 150 kilometers from the epi centre of the quake. It further transpired that the earth was ripped open for more than 300 kilometers. Thousands of people perished. Homes were destroyed. Businesses crumbled.

And yet this crater was gripping.

Herewith a quote from the write up with the link below: Even at the southern tip of the larger rupture, about 150 km from the epicentre of the initial 7.8 magnitude quake, the village of Tepehan, in Hatay province, witnessed extraordinary cracks tearing through the surface.”

Further thoughts of mine were that it is the brutal, creative power of nature at work; and I was thinking of Genesis chapter 1. When God, according to Moses, created the heavens and the earth. Powerful. Brutal. Creativity at work. Click on these links: Another link.

One of the people I sent these videos, and my initial thoughts starkly reminded of the loss of lives and the destruction of buildings, so as to remind me of the tragedy. This was not lost on me. I was painfully aware of this.

And I was thinking of the tsunami that struck Japan some years ago – We only saw the devastating effects of the quake and how it played out on land. We were not privy to the craters and fissures deep down on the crust of the earth covered by sea water.

Now I am trying to create something to remind me of this midnight experience. And I will keep you posted as to what I am doing.

This is obviously not an academic paper on the quake – just a couple of hundred words to record some of it. I am still reading and I am sketching.

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