Showing posts with label The Herb Farm. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Herb Farm. Show all posts

Friday 3 February 2023


Orbea variegata - Carrion flower in my garden [Kaapse Fynbos]

At the Herb Farm

At the Herb Farm

At the Herb Farm

At the Herb Farm

Paul Kennedy. Advocate Paul Kennedy. Advocate Paul Kennedy SC. One of our pillars in the legal fraternity of South Africa and in the Southern African region. He moved amongst the cognoscenti of the South African community. He held an acting appointment as a judge of the South African High Court. He was, inter alia, a human rights lawyer. He was probably endowed with a most brilliant intellect. And he used it to the full.

He was such a pleasure to work with – I briefed him in a human rights refugee matter. He was, what I shall call erudite – within the full meaning of this loaded word. It was a real pleasure and you might understand my shock when I heard about these allegations against this beautiful specimen of a human being. Erudite! He was the word itself. I hate to think what a family historian will have to face writing about this lot – where do you begin? The same predicaments will face the family genealogist and family historian writing up our Olympian blade runner, Oscar Pistorius’ history.

And he abused it to the full. To a sickening degree. So, the story goes and I hasten to add that he is no longer with us to defend himself. And in law, you cannot defame the dead. And he is dead. And his legacy is alive. What I write here are at this point only allegations and should be read like that and be understand as only allegations.

And he was accused of being a human rights violator – in the same league as Jeffrey Epstein. He was accused of being one of the ringleaders to practice his human rights violations on unprecedented scale. He was accused of being guilty of more than 700 crimes mostly involved with young boys from underprivileged background. The allegations tell us that he and his co-accused, who is at the writing of this blog, is a fugitive of justice, these victims were delivered into their hands by the bus-load.

I can go on and on and on – I am sure that there are hundreds of Police dockets. The High Court in Johannesburg is at present waiting for the transfer of other cases against them from different parts of the country; this beautiful country, a country that is described a being part and parcel of a new renaissance. We, the citizens of South Africa, those that are living up-right lives and the others who are not, are breathing this wonderful air and enjoying the beauty of our plants.

My wife and I went last Sunday 29 January 2023 to the Herb Farm just the other side of Kyalami and what struck me was the colourful splendour of the South African herbs. And these are available to everybody. It was available to Advocate Paul Kennedy SC as well. He was a most cultured man. He had control over his thought processes; he was well articulated and enjoyed the best restaurants and he travelled overseas with his family.

And yet – there was his dark side. He allegedly masturbated while looking how one young man was busy raping a minor. How utterly sickening.

Let me rather now concentrate on the other side of the dark side – that is to say the bright and beautiful, the part of life that smile on us humans. This part was also smiling on the late Jeffrey Epstein and his “wife” Ghislain Maxwell, who is now serving time in an American jail – his home were lavishly furnished with unique artefacts. Yes, it was beautiful.

I am not going to furnish links to these characters; I refuse and object to it. You are probably also aware of it and have read it. I will only publish images of the beauty that I found yesterday while my wife and I were visiting that herb farm and some images of plants in our garden.

What struck me forcefully was the colour. Please enjoy with me the abundance of the different colours and the hues that you can see. Enjoy the monochrome image of the green leaves. And the pomegranates. Abundance. Opulence. Extravaganza. A feast for the eye and mind and the soul.

Look at our shells that were found on the West Coast of South Africa – a neighbour gave it to me. These shells were hanging in a basket in his backyard for more than 13 years and now it belongs to me and I can share the beauty of it with you.  

These things and prayer purify my soul and spirit.

Please enjoy the rest of the colourful splendour below: 

At the Herb Farm

At the Herb Farm

At the Herb Farm

At the Herb Farm

At the Herb Farm

At the Herb Farm

At the Herb Farm

At the Herb Farm

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