Showing posts with label carboard box. Show all posts
Showing posts with label carboard box. Show all posts

Saturday 17 December 2022

Number 27 17.12.2022






St Paul is reported to have written in Ephesians chapter 5 verse 31 - 32 about marriage:

Therefore, a man shall leave his father and mother ad fast to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh” This mystery is profound …” ‘

This saying intrigued me for many years. And then after I tried to sketch it with two circles separate and later when they intersect. It satisfied me for some time.

Then I came/stumbled upon a three-dimensional model that is to my liking. At the moment I am building such a thinking model: first of all, it needs a hexahedron [cube] and separate from that, it needs an octahedron. I see in that a symbol of a male and a female. Then after marriage when they become one flesh, you have a compound of the two.

The compound of the octahedron and the hexahedron is quite tricky and difficult to construct. I am, however, busy with it and am quite excited about the prospect of success.

I use second-hand cardboard boxes for the construction of it. It is a bit of an activism from my side in that I object to all these perfect plastic stuff that are available. The tools that I use are very simple: a metal try-square, pencil, Stanley knife and cold wood glue. 

My intention is to make videos of these polyhedrons and to post it on my youtube channel as well as on my blog for you to look at. 

I hope that you have enjoyed it. 

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