Sunday 18 December 2016


William Kamkwamba's windmill - a crazy idea that generates electricity!

When you look around you, you will notice [If you really want to notice] a lot a most remarkable things happening all of the time. People are truly amazing. People are reaching out to others. People are striving to make this world a better place to live in.

Such a person is William Kamkwamba who is a school dropout and was starving together with his people in Malawi during a drought. But he was a person who said: “We skip the problem by creating our own solutions.” And he did exactly that by visiting his local library and started reading about energy and the power of windmills.

"We skip the problem by creating our own solutions" William Kamkwamba

The local community inclusive of his mother, thought he went mad when he started building his own windmill. His wild claims that his contraption will generate electricity then underscores what the common wisdom is all about: “William, you are crazy!

He continued with his ideas and he visited the local scrapyard and got parts for his crazy idea. He then built it. And it generated electricity enough to power four light bulbs in his home. Then there was enough electricity to charge the villagers cell phones.

Looking at his windmill, it is crude, and for all intents and purposes a crazy idea – yes the locals were spot on with their critique about this 14-year-old boy. But he and the wind knew better. His windmill works! And it generates power.

He now wants to build a stronger one to use for irrigation.

He is community minded.

He is driven by a passion not to sit and to look at things and complain!

No – he gets up and he does something about it.

He executes his ideas!

William is a Christian young man.

I am reminded about another man who was ridiculed about his crazy ideas until it started raining. Do you remember Noah? Do you remember how he was ridiculed while building his ark? That saved him and his family while others perished.

There was yet another Man who was ridiculed whilst He was perishing. Jesus Christ was ridiculed while He was hanging on the Cross for you and for me. You can read about Noah here [Genesis Chapter 6] and about Christ by clicking here [Matthew 27]. While you are searching for these chapters, please continue to read the entire sections and meditate about the contents. 

May God bless you!


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