Showing posts with label Al Bashir. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Al Bashir. Show all posts

Thursday 6 October 2016


Ms Evelyn A Ankumah, Ms Angela Mudukuti, Judge Richard Goldstone & Ms Fatou Bensouda

I attended a book launch at Webber Wentzel Attorneys on 5 October 2016. The editor of the book THE INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL COURT AND AFRICA is Ms Ankumah. The keynote was by H.E. Ms Fatou Bensouda, the chief prosecutor of the ICC [about the ICC:].

It was hosted by Webber Wentzel Attorney and the Dutch Embassy.

African countries are now complaining and falsely accuse the ICC of "colonialism" and that the ICC is unfairly targeting African Countries. It is abundantly clear, and it was so stated in the speeches yesterday, that the bulk of the human rights violations are committed on the African continent. It is also factually correct that almost all of the matters that are presently investigated by the ICC were referred to it by the African States themselves.

You will recall how the SA Government actively assisted President Al Bashir from Sudan to escape being arrested when he visited our country. You can read a lot of literature on this matter on the internet. It was announced at the meeting yesterday that the matter will be argued in the Constitutional Court on 22 November 2016. When you click on this link, it gives you access to the papers filed in the court.