About us

Neels Coertse 
  • L.LB [R.A.U.] awarded 26 April 1990.
  • B.Iuris [R.A.U.] awarded 20 April 1974.
  • Matric, Roodepoort Hoërskool December 1967. 
Admitted as Attorney, Notary & Advocate

  • Admitted as Attorney 10 April 1979.
  • Admitted as Notary 29 May 1979.
  • Admitted as Advocate 17 April 1990.
  • Re-admitted as attorney and notary 2 June 1998 [with the right of appearance in the High Court].
Working History.

  • Military service: South African Air Force Gymnasium 1968.
  • Clerk of the court, Johannesburg Magistrates Court: 1969.
  • State Prosecutor, Johannesburg Magistrates Court.
  • State Attorney, Johannesburg.
  • Own practice as an attorney and notary, Johannesburg: 1979 - 1981.
  • Assistant Executive Director, Gideons International, South-Africa, Pretoria: 1981 - 1983.
  • Practicing again for own account: 1984 – 1990.
  • Practicing as an advocate of the High Court of South Africa: 1990 - 1998. Gained experience as an assessor in criminal matters in the High Court of South Africa with Judge C.J. Claassen and the late Judge M. Labé.
  • Re-admittance as an attorney and notary and have been practicing since for own account: 1998 to date.
Legal Library

  • I have my own rather complete legal library:
    • Transvaal & Witwatersrand High Court law reports.
    • Appeal Court law reports.
    • South African Law Reports from 1947 to 2009.
    • Jutastat.
  • Entrance to the South Gauteng High Court of South Africa’s law library.
  • Internet research i.e. through:
    • SAFLII.
    • South African Government’s website.
    • The Constitutional Court’s website.
    • The Appeal Court’s website.
Relevant law articles published.

  • De Rebus [DR]:
    • July 2011:
    • June 2011:
    • May 2011:
    • March 2005: “The MPRD Act.”
    • January/February 2005: “Opinion: Expropriation in terms of the MPRDA? Another Scenario.”
    • October 2001: “Money Laundering.” [Front page article].
    • July 2001: “Letter to the Editor: MD Southwood SC.” [Reaction from the author on the book revue].
    • May 2001: “The Compulsory Acquisition of Rights by Expropriation.” [Book review].
    • May 1999: “Extension of Security of Tenure Act.”
    • March 1999: “The Restitution of Land Rights Act and the Land Claims Court.”
    • DR October 1987: “Huwelike, Kinders, Egskeidings: Huwelike [Wet op Bemiddeling in Sekere Egskeidingsaangeleenthede].”
    • DR August 1985: Howe vir Klein Eise.
    • DR May 1990: Uitstelle in strafsake: veral landdroshowe.
  • Codicicillus [Jutas Business Law] 1998 59: “When Shareholders call it a day. The Voluntary winding-up of a company.”
  • F&T weekly BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE 17 April 1998: “How to liquidate your own company.”
  • Finansies & Tegniek Sakevernuf 17 April 1998: “Hoe om jou maatskappy self te likwideer.”
  • F&T weekly BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE 19 June 1998: “Access to ‘Government Secrets’”
  • Finansies & Tegniek Sakevernuf 19 June 1998: “Toegang  kom  tot  ‘regeringsgeheime’
  • Orde Nuus Society News March/April 2005: “The Mechanic’s in the fix.”
Languages: read, talk & write

  • Afrikaans
  • English
Computer Literacy

  • Word.
  • Excel spreadsheet.
  • Access Data basis 2000 [limited knowledge and appliance thereof].
  • Substantial knowledge to do internet research [i.e. through SAFLII] in terms of:
    • Southern African regions government’s websites to obtain related information.
Community Activities

  • Member of the Gideons International, South-Africa.
  • Member of the DRC church.

  • Cabinetmaking.
  • Photography [President of the Johannesburg Photographic Society.]
  • Walking.
  • Sculpting.
  • Family & genealogical research. Editor of the monthly "Newsletter of the West-Gauteng Branch of the Genealogical Society of South Africa.
  • Researching at the National Archives, Pretoria.


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