Monday 22 June 2020


Philotheos Bryennios

This monk discovered the DIDACHE in 1873 in a library in Constantinople and disclosed it to the world in 1883 - it caused a academic furore. It might very well be pre-dating any of the New Testament writings. Can you imagine it to read a Christian document that is older than the New Testament? It is "magic." I translated it from the English version to Afrikaans, my mother tongue in South Africa and made 5 YouTube videos of it. Please visit my YouTube channel and have a look even if you don't understand Afrikaans. I am really excited about it and I hope that you will be excited as well. 

I am not aware of anything remotely the same in Afrikaans. My challenge is for people to interact with the Scriptures and ask the Holy Spirit to guide them. 

Here are the links to my 5 videos:

Number 1: an introduction; 8 minutes duration
Number 2: There are two ways of Life: a way of Life and a Way of Death. 9 minutes duration
Number 3: Don't be grumpy. Duration 9 minutes
Number 4: A church manual: baptism, fasting and prayers and Eucharist: 6 minutes duration.
Number 5: A Church manual: apostles, prophets and eschatology. 7 minutes duration.

Ek hoop jy het dit geniet. Stuur asseblief die skakel aan na jou vriende.


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