Showing posts with label Henry Matisse. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Henry Matisse. Show all posts

Wednesday 30 November 2022

Number ten 30.11.2022

Grahamstown Cathedral. I took this photo on 25 March 2022

This is the last day of November 2022 and the start of the last month of 2022.  

New beginnings face me every moment and I want to live until I die and I don’t want to die prematurely. Unfortunately, there are lots of people who just exist and not live. No, I don’t want to climb Mount Everest. I don’t have ambitions to out do Pablo Picasso or Henry Matisse or Damien Hirst. I don’t even want to purchase Montsanto nor do I want to engage with Bill Gates.

I am rather comfortable in my own skin. This reminds of a rather acrimonious conversation I had with another lady attorney. Yes, we were actually fighting about something and I was opposing her vehemently. Eventually she was fed up with me and blurted out: “Neels, who the heck do you think you are?”

My answer remains the same: “Madam X, I know exactly who I am and I am comfortable in my own skin. I can and I do live with contradictions in my life.” Wow! That opened up a sordid can of worms after which she turned around a stomped away.

This is a wonderful lesson I learnt in law: you may argue something very strenuously and disagree with the other party drastically, without getting personal and without fighting. Well, sometime lawyers fight it out. That happened that day: we were fighting.

My one law clerk came back from the Magistrate’s Court one day and was highly excited; adrenalin pumping and he blurted out what he witnessed at court. There were two attorneys disagreeing with one another. And the argument became very tense. And very personal. And they were in each other’s faces and personal space. The next moment a fisticuff broke out. They were attacking each other and it was a commotion. The other lawyers in the court room had to physically intervene to break up the fight. Yes, it happens; although it is not an everyday occurrence.

At the same time being comfortable in your own skin, does not mean you just accept what life throws at you. No, definitely not. It is within your means and power to change things. Life long learning comes to play. Try to learn something from everything and everything from something. This is powerful, isn’t it? Karen Armstrong famously said about nature: “Nature is pregnant with life!” And so, the life we are facing, is pregnant with life. What a powerful statement. Oscar Wilde once passed this comment that there are people who are arrested by the their past. Yes, there are things in my life that surface every now and again – having said that, those things do not dictate my life.

Christ Jesus, the living Son of God, is the guiding factor. He is reported to have said: “And why do you not judge for yourselves what is right?” [Read the Gospel according to Luke 12: 57] And the apostle Paul is reported to have said in 2 Corinthians 10:7 “Look at what is before your eyes.” It seems as if this passage I have just quoted, is all about St. Paul’s defending his ministry. He effectually said to the people: “Look at my life and what do you see? And then you should consider that as well.” When you read these verses, make sure that you read the chapters in its entirety and consider the background to it.

In everyday life, we should keep these guidelines constantly uppermost in our minds.

Have a good day and please write me your story: