Showing posts with label books to read. Show all posts
Showing posts with label books to read. Show all posts

Sunday 27 November 2022

Number 7 27.11.2022

Kurt Vonnegut

 Kurt Vonnegut

Kurt Vonnegut! I referred to him in Number 1 on 21 November 2022. And now I want to pursue his story further.

Back to Kurt. I just read his story on Wikipedia and have some sympathy for the man. And yet, even with his background he kept at it and that is writing. That is what he could do best.

I downloaded a write up of his, telling us how shy and embarrassed he was “not being good at any of his myriad of hobbies.” And the teacher’s reaction liberated him for ever. A lot of different things to do? All at the same time? Or you chop and change as you go along? Embarrassed about it? No, Kurt, was the reply, you don’t have to be embarrassed. What is more, you don’t have to choose – just keep going!!

The story on Wikipedia is, to my mind blunt and to the point. It discloses a lot of very personal things about him and his family. And he wrote about a lot of these things. What a story he had to tell.

You tell me that you have a lot of different hobbies? You are reading five or six books at a time? You have far too much to do? You don’t know which to choose? My short reply is: “Good for you.” My question to you: “Do you have to choose?” My motivation to you is: “Go for it!” You should live until the day you die!

You go on and tell me that you can’t even draw a straight line with a ruler? I don’t buy that one! No, not at all. You don’t need a ruler to draw a tree! You don’t need a ruler to sketch a flower. You don’t need a ruler to draw a face! You tell me that you brother or your sister or you mother was the really artistic one in the family; you were not even born when talents were dished out. You miss the point: You have something inside you even if it is to tell yourself that you can’t. Start with something. Get on with the job. Are you scared to face the white sheet of paper? Me too. Get over it. It won’t bite you.  

Thank you, Kurt, for your story.

Write me you story, please: