Showing posts with label centenarian. Show all posts
Showing posts with label centenarian. Show all posts

Sunday 21 August 2016


Professor David Goodall, Edith Cowan University, Australia at 102
Credit for this photograph goes to the THE NEW DAILY NEWSPAPER

Before I start my working day in my office as a lawyer, I want to share this with my readers.

Professor David Goodall, a scientist was "forced" out of the Edith Cowan University in Australia for his "own good" - David is still making a daily difference at 102 years of age! Read this remarkable story by clicking on this link.

At 66 years, I have another 36 years to go. Just think what one can achieve and experience and contribute for another 36 years. I am fortunate not to work for a boss but to be a single practitioner.

I overheard a radio report a month or two ago about a lady working in Warren Buffet's company also at 102 years. 

My friend Jack Steyn passed away at 93 and he was still translating his favorite author Goethe and reading his newspapers everyday. He loved an intellectual sparring. 

Jack Steyn shortly before his demise

I am acutely aware that it is a rarity; nevertheless it is there! We are living in an age where the octogenarian and centenarians are becoming the norm and no longer the exception. 

During 2009 I visited Tannie Bessie Du Toit from Strydenburg in the Northern Cape who is a family member of mine. She was so excited to have met me and we got on like a house on fire. I asked her wether she still reads. She immediately pointed out a stack of books on the table next to her and said that she has just finished those. The one she was reading at the time had something to do with positive living! In the corner of her room in the old age home, there was a stack of magazines and books that she had gone thru earlier. 

She recommended that I go and visit an "old lady" further down the road who was 105 years. 

About five months after my visit to my aunt, she passed away.

I asked God a favour and that is to grant me at least another 34 years - hopefully to die in my library, courtroom, garage doing some work, my garden, the kitchen or chatting with my wife.

Enjoy your day making some contribution towards life.

Please tell me you story! Send it to my e-mail address: