Showing posts with label UK. Show all posts
Showing posts with label UK. Show all posts

Monday 13 June 2022



Refugees are humans. Not all of them are “kosher;” a lot of them are not bona fide refugees and are clogging up our system [the RSA’s refugee system] and if found out, should be repatriated to there /countries of origin. Having said that, I hasten to add that those that are bona fide refugees, should be assisted with their on-going battle with Department of Home Affairs [“DHA”]; and I do assure you that it is a battle. DHA is notorious for not implementing High Court Orders [see my previous blogpost and I can back it up with references should the need arise].

Internationally there is an outcry of the threat from the UK authorities to start repatriating them to Rwanda and they are getting some stiff opposition – lately from no other than Prince Charles [allegedly]. He is no accused of meddling in the political sphere. I am of the view that he speaks from his heart and as a human being especially in light of some threats of suicide. That is urgent and speaks volumes of the suffering these people have gone thru and are no re-living.

Refugees threaten suicide if they are deported: news from the UK. Some years ago, one of my clients, who shall be in cognito, also told me in private that he will also kill himself in similar circumstances.

You may click on these links to read some reports about this matter and you may then draw your own conclusions:

Prince Charles's private criticism of Rwanda refugee policy revives fears of 'meddling' by future King (

 Please write me an e-mail and give me you views:

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