Showing posts with label con artist. Show all posts
Showing posts with label con artist. Show all posts

Wednesday 24 March 2021

- JZ - a man of many talents: contradictions, contortionist, chameleon and octopus


I am writing as an individual that is extremely concerned about the apparent raping of our legal system and the apparent inaction of the prosecuting authorities to act speedily and decisively against the former President of the Republic of South Africa, Jacob Zuma. The short history behind it is that Zuma was subpoenaed by the Zondo-commission into State Capture to give evidence. Zuma walked out and now refused to return even in the face of the highest court in South Africa, the Constitutional Court, that ordered him to do so. This can be accessed on the internet because it is awash with many, many articles about this; you can click on this link just to whet your appetite click on this link.

If you have the inclination to read more about this saga, you can follow all the links to your heart’s desire!

In the meantime, 233 individuals and 59 organisations came together and discussed this sorry state of affairs. They issued a press statement on 22 March 2021. This date was not accidental or chosen at random. I am sure that these guys and girls sat and debated a most opportune time to issue such a statement. Do you want to read their statement? Click on this link. 


It is also rather conspicuous that two of South Africa’s Nobel Prize winners were NOT signatories to this declaration.

President F.W. De Klerk you will recall, was president of South Africa and he got the Nobel Prize for his sterling work by unbanning a whole lot of organisations and his contribution towards peace in SA. The Norwegian Nobel Institute issued a specific citation setting out the reasons why he was selected – you can access it by clicking on this link.

And now, he had this wonderful opportunity to act and yet he remains silent.

Even his F.W. De Klerk Foundation remains silent.

Archbishop Desmund Tutu is also silent about this initiative and yet he was awarded a Nobel Peace Prize as well; to read his citation, please click on this link.

Oh, my word, sorry, I almost forgot to tell you more about the date it was released! It was released the long weekend while peace loving South Africans celebrated Human Rights Day. Although the statement does not name Jacob Zuma by name, it was a necessary implication that it does refer to that man.

If you really want to get confused as to what this man JZ can glibly say, click on this link 

A man of contradictions? Not only that, but he reminds me of contortionist, chameleon and octopus with multiple fingers in many pies.

In the meantime, a teenage girl was jailed for failing to appear in a court in Kwa-Zulu Natal! Look at this headline of the article: KZN TEEN BULLY CURRENTLY SERVING TIME IN JAIL FOR NOT APPEARING IN COURT Read the report by clicking on this link 

And Zuma defies the Con Court and he is walking around!

I appeal to all who read this blogpost to spread the news further afield.