Showing posts with label hiroglyphics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hiroglyphics. Show all posts

Monday 21 November 2022

Number two 22.11.2022

What is his story? Help him to understand

Stones, wood, Petria, colour, texture and ... 

Had my early morning walk and pottered around my land art-doodles on the pavement [side-walk]. My one friend, I met him at genealogy, referred to this pottering around as land art-doodles and I like it. It encapsulates the gist of it. I cannot go into the wild like Strijdom Van Der Merwe  or Andrew Goldsworthy and create their incredible ephemeral art installations. And yet, I want to do something; I think of myself to be an activist although on a very small scale. I am connected to the earth. While doing that I am also reminded of Pope Francis’ encyclical letter LAUDATO SI wherein he encourages us to get involved with life.

Yes, we get all these whatsapp messages encouraging people to start to do something, for instance, grow your own food, write a poem, sketch something, sculpt something else.

And I am reminded of Jasper Johns who famously said: Create something and then you do something else with it, and then you do something else with that and then you do … and so it goes on. You can have a look at his NUMBERS, FLAGS & TARGETS.

Later today I will do my usual rounds in my garden – I love making plants. I have re-named my nursery: this is my maternity ward. This is the place where plants die and where they are brim-full of life. The place is pregnant with life, the life forces I experience there is just too wonderful. Oh the sacredness of it all – thank you Karen Armstrong.