Showing posts with label stories we tell. Show all posts
Showing posts with label stories we tell. Show all posts

Thursday 8 December 2022

Number Eighteen 8.12.2022



And the 2022 is coming to a close.

For some it was a rough and tumble year, for others a year of great heartache. And others are still undeciding. We had our share of heartache as well.

For me, primarily, it was a year to adapt from living in a house for almost 41 years to another home and a much, much smaller garden. I learnt a lot of invaluable lessons and looking forward to the future to learn more lessons. And more stories! Some of which I will tell, some I won’t.

I had an uplifting zoom meeting with an author of a book NOW WE REALLY LIVE, Ian McKellar. He is a knowledgeable person. The edition I read was published during 1984. Talking to him, information is rolling from him and he is still excited about it. He first published it during 1973 – I was 23 years old; next year it would be 50 years since he first published it.

He told me that he did not attend Biblical Seminary and he is a graduated engineer. And that was, what I think, was the saving grace between him and me having a very robust discussion about him writing this book. Engineers are robust people. They can give it and take it on the chin, so to speak.

At times during our zooming, I had to remind myself not to cross-examine him. He is not a witness under oath in a court of law. And yet, I kept on with my questioning him. And he kept on coming back with cogent and well-established facts. It was only at the end of our conversation, that he disclosed to me that he is an engineer and not a theologian. And that explained to me his attitude.

We agreed.

And we disagreed.

And we remain civil about it.

What is even more remarkable is that he agrees to zoom again and to keep the conversation going.

I am in the process of researching the history of the Christian Church as was set out in the Book of Acts of the Apostles according to St. Luke. I obviously will look further afield but the foundation is in Scriptures.

Sir Ian McKellen

I cannot find him on social media but located a powerful miveo by SirIan McKellen. Please do yourself the favour and listen with an open mind to what Sir Ian is telling us. Stories. Those are the things we are telling to all and sundry.

Over the years, especially, in a legal practice, I accumulated lots of stories. Having sat on the High Court Bench as an assessor and later as an acting Judge, I heard a lot of stories. My practice is alive with stories.

Stories. This my 18th consecutive story. And you have a story to tell. Some of you have indeed made contact with me with stories. Thank you for that.

Please write me your story: