Showing posts with label Angela's Ashes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Angela's Ashes. Show all posts

Tuesday 6 December 2022

Number fifteen 5 December 2022


Frank McCourt’s ANGELA’S ASHES is a modern-day classic with more than 70 re-prints. He is from Irish-descent who was born in the USA and that was where he spent more than 30 years teaching children. Angela’s Ashes is a sad, sombre piece of literature. He describes the death of his baby sister, Margaret’s death in short, staccato sentences and the finishing grace was when he wrote: “She’s gone.”

He grew up hungry.

His siblings grew up hungry.

His mother was at the end of her tether; at times all she had to feed the children was water with sugar in it. He had to care for his brother and he also gave him sugar water. The was what they had. And the pain of being hungry.

Some-one, the other day, blurted out that she was once a good Roman Catholic. What does she mean by that? Well, being a lawyer who is interested in what people say and what they don’t say I latched onto this one. She said it loud and clear, that there was a time when she was a “good Catholic girl.”

And I wanted to know what does she mean? And what happened. She did not volunteer much more detail except that Bruce Springsteen’s UNDER WESTERN STARS were the catalyst that catapulted her out of her faith. This was, for the moment, more than enough for me to explore a bit.

Why do people deconvert from their faith system/base? Scriptures tell me that God is caring for us. It tells me that He cares even for the sparrows; really? Yes, that is what you can read yourself in the Bible. And yet, there are probably millions in the world suffering from food shortages. It is not the only controversy surrounding the Christian faith; and it is nothing new. It is an age-old phenomenon. Might I venture and say that any faith is subject to lots of controversies.

I don’t have a clear-cut answer to this question. I am confronted by the realties just as you are and yet, I keep on believing in Christ. The only answer I have you may find in St Paul’s write up in 1 Corinthians Chapter 15 – that great philosophical exposition of the Christian faith. If you can break the fact that Christ was murdered, spent three days in the tomb, and then He was resurrected on the third day, then that is the death knell for the Christian faith. I still believe that. And my declaration is still: You are Christ, the Son of the Living God though I don’t have answer to most questions. And I state categorically that no one, and I repeat, no one on earth knows that answers.

People who are not Christian, face the exact same issues as I do; issues that are unresolved. Undecided. Unsettled. Undetermined. Pending. Unsolved. Unanswered. Debatable. Open to debate. Open to question. Doubtful. Moot. Up in the air.

Please write me you story: