Showing posts with label Johannesburg Bar. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Johannesburg Bar. Show all posts

Friday 2 December 2022

Number Thirteen 3 December 2022


Life-long learning!

I asked a Refugee client of mine what does that mean? His first reaction was: “I don’t know.”

“Ahgh!! I don’t buy that story. Think!”

And then he gave me a wonderful answer.

I asked my gardener this morning: “What does LIFE LONG LEARNING mean?”

Initial reaction: “I don’t know.”

Me: “Common!!! Think!”

And think he did. And gave an answer that is spot on.

Back to the Rwandan refugee – he is a very young man [22x] and bright. While I was waiting for him to arrive, I was busy writing and my bilingual dictionary was open on my desk. I pointed to it and told him the story of me still using dictionaries. He sat back in the chair; his reaction was priceless. “Wow! That is impressive!” I am 50 years his senior.

Life-long learning

That reminded me of an experience I had while practising at the Johannesburg Bar; I was in the law library and I heard a shuffle and instantly knew it was that doyen of advocates “walking.” Issy Maisels, QC. Arrived and he came into my direction. We greeted and he stood in front of a book shelve looking for his book.

He took it out.

Shuffled to a chair.

Sat down.

After about five minutes he got up. 

Closed the book and put it back on the shelve. He was the only one that was allowed by our strict dour old librarian to put books back.

And he shuffled out of the library. Yes, he greeted me when he left.

Five minutes – obviously he was just looking up one point of law and left. Satisfied with what he read.

Issy was about 92 years old.

Lifelong learning – a practical exercise in front of my eyes. Shall I ever forget this?

Another client, the guy with the Doctorate in Education who is jobless, prayed for me. I told him about the diagnosis that I am now diabetic and he prayed for healing. “Father God, I pray for Neels. Please heal him completely and give him long life because he still has a lot of work to do for us refugees.” What an experience!

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