Showing posts with label weed. Show all posts
Showing posts with label weed. Show all posts

Thursday 23 June 2016



Please take notice of this important seminar that is scheduled for 1 December 2016 at Webber Wentzel Sandton. 

I urge you to read my blog post below. It is staggering that human trafficking is labelled as the fastest growing criminal activity in the world second only to the drug trade. The drug trade and human trafficking or modern day slavery are bed fellows - inseparable! 

I think this sketch was published in THE ECONOMIST of some years back and I would like to give credit to this publication and artist. 

I saw a post on Facebook of one of my FB friends about slavery and I reacted to it. It lead me once again to think about a lecture I gave at the West Gauteng Branch of the Genealogical Society of South Africa [GSSA] during August 2014 about modern day slavery. I recall vividly how shocked the members were to learn that slavery is "... alive and well even in South Africa ...". It seems to me as if it had the same effect tonight on FB.

André P Brink, one of our most prominent and eminent authors our country ever produced, published at least two story books on slavery namely: PHILIDA & HOUD DEN BEK. And it seems to me as if we got stuck on this idea about slavery. 

Yes, I am aware that slavery was outlawed many years ago and Brink wrote about the effects it had on the people during those times. Yet, you should remember that it was only outlawed at the time. Slavery is since then illegal but so is murder. Oscar Pistorius acted with disregard of this simple fact and today he is a murderer. So is slavery illegal, but it is still practiced. 

I invite you, if you are prepared to go deeper into this scourge of modern day slavery to have a look on the website of NEFARIOUS by clicking on this link. I further invite you to explore that website. Or go to this site by clicking on this link. You may even just use our old friend Dr Google by typing "modern day slavery" or click here

I trust that when you go to bed tonight that you will be acutely aware of this scourge and that you will say a word of prayer to Jesus Christ. And maybe, just maybe by tomorrow you might have done something extra for these people. Or for refugees.