Showing posts with label saint. Show all posts
Showing posts with label saint. Show all posts

Monday 19 September 2016

Something beautiful: Mother Teresa declared a Saint

St Peter's Square from the Cupola of the Basilica on 9 April 2016

Something beautiful happened just the other day in Rome which a universal influence. Pope Francis declared Mother Teresa a saint and you can read about it by clicking on this link. I wished I could have been there! I took the above image on 9 April 2016 when my wife and I visited Rome for a life changing experience. As you can see the Square is rather empty compared to the throngs of people on Sunday 4 September 2016; have a look of what it looked like in the image below:

St Peter's Square on Sunday 4 September 2016 when Mother Teresa was declared a saint with the Basilica in the background. Credit to the Vatican's photographers.

In the day and age we are living in, I find this is a wonderful thing that happened whether you agree with the Roman Catholic Church's theology or not. 

The things this lady did is rather miraculous - she cared for the poorest of the poor.

Let each one of us try and do something good and out of the ordinary.