Showing posts with label religious tourism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label religious tourism. Show all posts

Tuesday 21 June 2022


The so-called and alleged prophet: Bushiri from Malawi and an 
alleged fugitive from South African Justice at a previous court appearance 
[image from the internet]

I am surrounded by negative talk, negative ideas and then some. And we are surrounded by prophets, prophetesses under the guise of Christian views and Christian ideologies. Why? Because there are those that think that it is the in thing to do.

This sparked the phenomenon of “religious tourism.” That is spot on: religious tourism. Local entrepreneurs are also seeing opportunities in religious tourism. “Anthony Mukumbwa runs Rayoni Spiritual Tourism Centre specifically to fly pilgrims to Bushiri’s services. He said: “I saw an opportunity in the movement of people travelling to Malawi to meet the prophet and worship.” His company leases and charters at least two flights a month, with 136 passengers on each.” [click on this link to read the article: religious tourism ]

Is it something new? I suggest to you that it is not new. Even during the time Christ walked this earth people flocked to Him to see miracles performed by him; even Herod, the king, wanted to Him performing a miracle – those things are the stuff that makes good headlines. Herod treated Christ as a miracle worker and he probably saw Him as some kind of a freak: Luke 23 and more specific verse 8: “When Herod saw Jesus, he was very glad, for he had long desired to see him, because he had heard about him, and he was hoping to see some sign done by him.” 

And it is continuing to this day. The so-called Malawian Prophet Bushiri and his lovely wife the Prophetess is “evidence” of this in their lives, especially after they have deposited thousands of American dollars in the banking account singing “What a friend we have in Jesus.” And all of this is going on in one of the poorest countries in the world: Malawi. He is not a shy guy; he apparently have only three private jets to get around in. And his wife “Marry” – if I have the spelling correctly reflected: Marry – interesting name she’s got.

The so-called and alleged prophet from Malawi and his wife, Marry, also a supposedly prophetess allegedly on their way to court in Malawi [images from the internet]

There are lots of money to be made in religion; you just promise the people [in Facebook terminology: “followers”] health, wealth and eternal happiness on earth. As long as you don’t mention our sinful nature and that Christ Jesus

This prophet is in South African parlance [eyes] a fugitive from law. The type of crimes he is charged with are serious: Two women have opened a case of rape against the leader of the Enlightened Christian Gathering church; Prophet Bushiri [the link to these allegations  can be found here: click on this link. Other alleged crimes are inter alia  money laundering and Immigration related crimes.

The challenge to this so-called prophet, is, inter alia, to come and state your case in our courts – you claim to be innocent then come back and have your time in court.

 The internet are awash with write-ups about this man and his wife - and back in South Africa the dust will not settle on these people.

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