Monday 11 July 2016


Good deeds still occur in life - even in a prison with prisoners breaking free to help their jailer who apparently suffered a stroke.

Lately we are bombarded by Police brutality and the "innocence" of the "victims."  Looking at the video clips it seems as if the good guys are the civilians and the baddies are the police. Whether this is factually correct or not, it is all in our faces. It is easy to feel somewhat bewildered and lost in the mayhem.

Are there only bad people out there doing bad things? Or are there still something good and positive going in life? Whether in South Africa or overseas? Here is a wonderful story about prisoners who broke free from custody to save their jailer's life. Is it true? Yes, have a look at the video footage by clicking here. Remarkable!

I remembered an incident in Randburg Magistrate's Court some year ago. I was attending to a matter and walking in the corridors looking at the people sitting, standing around and just walking about. Earlier that morning I was in this specific courtroom and a Metro Police lady officer was giving evidence against an accused. The magistrate was standing the matter down for a time and she and the accused left the courtroom to sit outside on the benches. By the time I left the courtroom, they were sitting next to one another and just watching the other people going about their business. 

All of a sudden the accused fell off the bench and landed on the floor. In a flash this Metro Police lady flew off the bench and landed on top of him and started CPR and mouth to mouth. What felt like ages the ambulance arrived and took over from her - by that time she was utterly exhausted. This is something you will always remember: the one moment she was giving evidence against him; the next she was trying to save his life!

Please write me an e-letter at my e-address; and tell me about something positive that happened today in your life.

Let us do good even in the face of all the bad that are surrounding us - that is part and parcel of the Christian life.

Thank you for reading my posts.


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