Monday 19 December 2022

Twenty-Nine 19.12.2022


Oh, my word!!

The word is in a mess!!

Not only a war in Ukraine, but war amongst family members and family-in-laws as well. Friends amongst friends – it is a mess. There are over 281million migrants in the world searching for a home; that is about 3.6% of the world population.

Was there ever a time when it was not a mess? Shall I entertain you with what I see and what I experience? Please give leave not to do so, lest I heap more dirt and pain on my readers. I am still reading ANGELA’S ASHES, but I hurry to get it over with. I decided to finish it and finish it I will. The end is neigh, brother, the end is in sight.

In all of this messiness, I have wonderful good news to share with you:

Jesus Christ loves me, this I know, ‘cause the Bibletells me so!

This holds value, even in the face of all the suffering. In all of the messiness of the world.

Yesterday, in between bouts of strong and persistent rainfalls, I examined my plants in my maternity ward. They are strong, vibrant and doing extremely well, except for my twin oak trees. On the face of it, it seems as if the one small one is dead and the other one is still holding on. I am worried about it. The others are growing very well. It is such an uplifting thing to have cultivated it from seeds I harvested from Franschhoek, Western Cape. Watermelons are growing and the scarlet runner beans are reaching for the sky. I have one scarlet runner plant on the pavement outside my house also reaching for the sky. I do hope there will be enough beans to share with passers-by. Please hold thumbs on my behalf as well, will you? I am sure you will do that for me and my runner beans – and, if you remember, please keep my oak trees in your prayers as well.

Today is a remarkable day. Monday 19 December 2022. Almost the end of 2022.


I attach a video I took of my veldmuis [fieldmouse] I sketched the other day at art class and I finished it at home. I was given this instruction to sketch it with a very thin skewer with black ink. And I enjoyed it. That skewer became a woodworking tool in my hands – I used both hands. Sketched with left and right hands. Bliss!! After that I was not finished with this veldmuis, I had to make short video of it. I do hope that you will enjoy it with me. And if you are adventurous, grab a skewer or a toothpick and some ink and sketch something. A toothpick is just as much fun as a skewer. After that, I was not really finished with the mouse; I added some Egyptian hieroglyphs to it and other graffiti-stuff.

It was Jasper Johns that said [my words]

If you make something. Don’t leave it at that. Make something else with it. And then you make something else with that … and so on.

What are you making?

Please write me your story:


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