Wednesday 14 December 2022

Number Twenty-Four 14.12.2022

Two roosters

It is still raining in my part of the world. The soil is wet and it seems as if the plants had enough.

In any case, life is on the go and we should live until the moment we breath our last.

What are you reading? I am of the view that if you can read, but don’t, you are worse off than a guy who can’t read. I don’t understand it if some-one stops reading. I don’t understand when a graduated person stops reading!

I was given a magazine WANTED [published by BUSINESS DAY] to have a look at. It is only for the very rich. There are advertisements of motor vehicles in there that are limited editions and which are specially once-off built for special clients. Price range? 20 million Pounds sterling. I read a back page write up on an heirloom that is no longer in the possession of the family. It is in a museum. And the author is of course rather nostalgic about it.

Just the other day, my group of genealogists, had a meeting that was dedicated to one topic for that meeting. The topic? What do you do with your “stuff” when you pass on? This is an evergreen topic, not so? When you start off in life, your goals are different from that of your parents. And that in itself is not a bad thing.

Your “stuff” is not necessarily only photographs, it might be a saxophone, furniture, vehicles or tools. You can add to the list. It might include sculptures or paintings.

You will have to deal with it because you and I will not live for ever and a day. And then your estate has to be wound up and the heirs will stand in a queue to receive. What then?

Photos, your letters, and so on might be uploaded to the internet. You will say to me that you can take pictures of the furniture and upload it to the internet site of your choice, of course I have to agree with you. My question remains: what will happen to that saxophone? Those precious antique chairs? That very valuable Persian carpet?

Does it mean that because you don’t have a clear-cut answer to this question, that you should stop acquiring things? Should you stop painting beautiful oil paintings? Stop sculpting? Stop making wooden furniture?

Of course not!!

A thousand times: NO DON’T STOP LIVING.

Please we should continue to live full out and flat out till we drop dead. I want to keep on doing research into difficult legal questions and writing legal papers. I want to keep on helping clients and go to the High Court. I want to keep on making plants and to sow seeds and to plant a tree – even if I will not be able to sit in its shade.

I want to hear from you what your thoughts are about this matter?

Please write me:




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