Wednesday 28 June 2017

How the iPhone revolutionised photography

Fashion photographer Georges Antoni and Margaret Zhang for Elle Australia

Fashion photographer Georges Antoni uses the iPhone 7 Plus on Portrait mode to photograph Margaret Zhang for the June cover story of Elle Australia. 

Can you believe this? The face of photography [pun intended] have been changed tremendously. I was a member of photographic societies in Johannesburg area for a number of years and later was "duped" into believing that members [especially very senior members] know everything about photography and what the perfect image looks like. I resigned. 

This is the new face of photography - thanks to "photography-rebels" such as Georges.

After my resignation I packed my "big" Nikon away, obtained a "mik-and-druk" [point and shoot] and experienced a tremendous freedom. I you click on this link you will see the same thing happened to this photographer: he experienced freedom from certain restraints imposed by others on photographers. Please read this article to the end. 

Some time ago Bentley  [video shots] also requested a photographer to use his iPhone to shoot an advertisement for them. Read the article by clicking on this linkTheir approach to this meant having the ad "filmed, assembled and edited using the in-car connectivity and entertainment platform." Essentially, the filmmakers used an iPad Air to assemble all of the footage, and edited the entire thing in the backseat. 

Revolution in the photographic palaces!!!!

Tuesday 27 June 2017


CAMERON CARPENTER: Photo credit: internet

This man is most talented and every single time I listen AND look at his performances I am hugely impressed by his talents. Thank you Cameron for what you are doing for us to enjoy. Follow this link to his Overture to "Candide"

Sunday 28 May 2017



New findings about cellular memories and their role in the mind/heart/spirit connection by Dr Paul Pearsall - this book challenges one's mindset about life and what it entails. It seems as if his thesis is that the heart is a more powerful organ than the brain. I suggest that you get your own copy to read. The ISBN Number is: 0-7679-0095-2; the soft cover book was published during 1999. 

Just to wet your appetite please download this study by Paul Pearsall, Gary E.R. Schwartz and Linda G.S. Russer. It is only about 8 pages but loaded with mind boggling information by both recipients, their family and friends as well as some families of the donors. The authors are careful in their presentation to make categorical statements; they conclude by saying that it is advisable to conduct further research and study into it. Cellular memories? Well - it might be cutting edge thinking. 

Of course there is the contra viewpoint as well - read it here. It is obvious that this author does the normal thing: he does not deal with the evidence produced by Pearsall and his colleagues. He just makes allegations to cast dispersion on them.

I am re-reading this book. I assure you that the book is not easy reading; it challenges my normal way of thinking about what and who I am and what goes on inside my body. If science cannot proof it either right or wrong, it does not mean that it does not exist. It only means that it is not proven by science either way. The same way that science cannot proof nor disproof that God exists. It calls for a new way of thinking. Joanna Lumley recently said when she was interviewed by Monty Don at the Chelsea Flower Show 2017 that this extravaganza of plants forces you to believe in a Deity. 

Maybe, maybe one day in the future it might be just that ... 

Wednesday 24 May 2017

What makes a good life? Lessons from the longest study on happiness

Robert Waldinger - the chief of the research team

It is a remarkable study over a continuous period of 75 years - the longest in history. And the insights they gained can change your life - if you are prepared to take the risk. It is a risk to cultivate personal relationships. He says in so many words that personal relationships are "... messy ..." Don't I know this from very personal experience; it is an ongoing saga in my family. 

Click on this link. He regrets that there are too many ugly messy family feuds in our lives! And do I regret that as well. 

I urge you to listen to this gentle man - because Robert is so gentle. A gentle giant. 

Tuesday 23 May 2017


One way of travelling in the 21st Century!

I visited Plumtree in Zimbabwe the other day and traveled into the deep rural areas. Please watch the videoclips of the different modes of transport I found during my very brief visit there. 

I often heard people shouting at the top of their voices: "Mlungu!!" My companion explained that those people have never seen a white man. In the village of Plumtree a Zimbabwean approached me and asked if he may take a photograph of us together. His reason? He wanted to show his mother!

And yet I saw small kids walking about with a cell phone. 

My goal was to visit Gwamagwama in deep rural Zimbabwe and I also created a short video clip about that trip. Here's the link to that one.

Please write me a letter at and tell me what you think. 

Sunday 14 May 2017


Start walking - gently don't over do it!

I read this very interesting article and it appeals to me -   

A leisurely walk can boost mood, psychological well-being - click this link.

Too much strenuous exercise it not good for your psychological well-being. I am fascinated when the health fanatics who participate in for instance ultra-marathons tell you about how many time they get ill. Is it not perhaps related to their training schedules? I am asking.  

Monday 1 May 2017


This is an interesting viewpoint by Eric Kim - more or less like Nike's JUST DO IT.

I took this image in Rome last year [2016]. This seagull latched onto our small group when we came out in the open on top of the Cupola of St Peter's Basilica, Vatican City. He followed us for nearly 10 minutes or so - coming and going. He was fascinated by us and we were blessed by this experience. 

Enjoy Eric's write-up.