Sunday 28 May 2017



New findings about cellular memories and their role in the mind/heart/spirit connection by Dr Paul Pearsall - this book challenges one's mindset about life and what it entails. It seems as if his thesis is that the heart is a more powerful organ than the brain. I suggest that you get your own copy to read. The ISBN Number is: 0-7679-0095-2; the soft cover book was published during 1999. 

Just to wet your appetite please download this study by Paul Pearsall, Gary E.R. Schwartz and Linda G.S. Russer. It is only about 8 pages but loaded with mind boggling information by both recipients, their family and friends as well as some families of the donors. The authors are careful in their presentation to make categorical statements; they conclude by saying that it is advisable to conduct further research and study into it. Cellular memories? Well - it might be cutting edge thinking. 

Of course there is the contra viewpoint as well - read it here. It is obvious that this author does the normal thing: he does not deal with the evidence produced by Pearsall and his colleagues. He just makes allegations to cast dispersion on them.

I am re-reading this book. I assure you that the book is not easy reading; it challenges my normal way of thinking about what and who I am and what goes on inside my body. If science cannot proof it either right or wrong, it does not mean that it does not exist. It only means that it is not proven by science either way. The same way that science cannot proof nor disproof that God exists. It calls for a new way of thinking. Joanna Lumley recently said when she was interviewed by Monty Don at the Chelsea Flower Show 2017 that this extravaganza of plants forces you to believe in a Deity. 

Maybe, maybe one day in the future it might be just that ... 


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