Thursday 20 April 2023

Week 15 Leeza Theron and 50- and 1-day years married

Myself, Leeza Theron and my wife Annemarié

This photograph of me, my wife Annemarié and Leeza Theron were taken exactly 50 years and 1 day after our marriage. Leeza was one of three flower girls at out marriage in Middelburg, Transvaal, now Mpumalanga. Yes, we got married on Friday 13 April 1973.

Leeza Theron [Haycock], Lorraine Brandon, Annemarie Coertse & Hanlie Haycock

My parents Mr & Mrs Coertse Snr, CJC & AC, parents in law Mr & Mrs Haycock

Paintings by Leeza 1992 that she presented to my wife

Annemarié visited Leeza and her husband in London 1992 when Leeza painted these two flower paintings for her. And we hung it in our sitting room ever since.

Two of Annemarié’s botanical paintings were accepted for exhibition in Kirstenbosch Botanical Gardens for the Contemporary Botanical Art exhibition Plant2023 from 14 April 2023 - 25 April 2023. And because it coincided with my 73rd birthday, we decided to attend and to celebrate this wonderful event in Capetown. Part and parcel were to meet Leeza – she and her family are living in that area and she teaches Afrikaans for schoolchildren. She is still very excited about her children that she has the privilege to teach.

Annemarié and her two botanical paintings at Kirstenbosch Botanical Gardens 14 April 2023

We were waiting her arrival and at one stage I was alone at the table when I saw her coming. The plastic sheeting that protected us from the wind, clouded the view and it was somewhat difficult to identity her and for her to identify me. Then we made eye contact – and it was joy from the word go. I haven’t seen Leeza for some years while Annemarié had seen her some time ago. Well, we kept contact during these years and we are always in her presence with those two floral paintings since 1992 when Annemarié got it from her in the UK. We were much blessed by this meeting and we parted with heavy hearts and tears in our eyes.

She told us a story, which in turn reminded me of Frank McCourt in his book TEACHER MAN, of how she teaches. She is no ordinary Afrikaans teacher in a posh English school. I hasten to add that she is no ordinary teacher! She is a drama queen.

Frank apparently was an innovative and highly creative teacher. He encouraged his learners to bring along recipe books for discussion. And he got some stiff opposition from the parents – what on earth would he do with that? Recipe books to class? Well, well, I never. Yet it is true.

And Leeza? What did she do with her schoolboys? The very same thing: bring recipes books with and they had a ball of a time discussings this. And to top it all, they started cooking on a Friday – cooking while talking Afrikaans.

And she tells us a moving story about this troubled old soul who felt neglected and rejected by all and sundry. His mom brought him to Leeza’s home for music lessons [piano]. And I can imagine the welcoming session she arranged for him, while his mother pushed off to go shopping.

This boy was not a novice in front of the piano; oh no, he had some certificates to show for his skills. And he was troubled; he had difficulty accepting himself for what he is and for what he wanted to be.

Leeza: “What would you like to drink? Coffee? Tea?” and she was already on her way to the kitchen. “You haven’t been here for some time, not so? Well, you will see that the piano is waiting for you in exactly the same spot when you last were here. Go ahead and play something for me while I prepared our tea and coffee.”

And he started playing. And she kept herself busy in the kitchen; she did not tell me this, but I just think that she took her time to let the boy get busy with the piano that he knew so well.

His reply to his erstwhile teacher? “Mam, thank you for accepting me for who I am.”  

I have a number of stories about our trip to the Cape and back, but that will have to wait for another day. On the way down stopping at Colesberg I met this ram who is about 3 years old – his story for later.

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Thursday 6 April 2023



Easter is on us. And we wish the other “Happy Easter.” What does that mean?

Easter is NOT about Easter bunnies or Easter Eggs being hidden in gardens for the “kiddies” to search for. This is way off the mark of the essence of Easter. There is NO resemblance to the real Easter at all. That is a way to detract the attention away from the real Easter story. And, in the meantime, it is really all about the silly [“folly”] cross of Jesus Christ! I am of the view that these silly Easter eggs and silly Easter bunnies are of the same ilk as what Julius allegedly said [bearing in mind that he disputes him saying that “garbage” as he referred to it].

Julius Malema is reported to have referred to the “little silly cross of Jesus.” With further reading it seems to me as if Julius is disputing this exact phrase – let’s give him the benefit. Having said that, let us just explore this saying and ask ourselves: is it a “silly cross”? This is not original thinking. St. Paul said that already in the first letter to the Corinthians chapter 1 – grab your Bible and read the entire chapter. He said it is foolishness for some.

See this link where he denies having said that “garbage.”

He said that they [meaning his cohorts] cannotwait for Jesus to deliver land to them. He was not even original in this saying. Please continue to read. In this TIK TOK video clip he states categorically that they are not religious. Well, Julius it is abundantly clear that you are not religious but thank you for just saying it yourself.

I, however, find corroboration in our Scriptures for the silly little Cross of Jesus Christ. The Cross is still anathema to the world. You have to save yourself!

If I understand the Gospels correctly, it is reported therein that the spectators were rather dismissive about Him hanging there, alone because his dapper disciples fled, bleeding, helpless and disfigured. The same crowd that hailed Him to be the Hero riding on a donkey, and plucking off their garments and throwing it onto the ground for the donkey to trample it [read Matthew 21: 2 and 5], that same crowd were besides themselves shouting: “Let Him be crucified. Let His blood on us and our children.” [read Matthew 27: 25 and please continue to read and read how He was mocked and belittled]. That was the extent of the derision of the world at that time. And now, we expect the world to see Him in a different light? What makes us believe that that will happen?

The soldiers standing next to the Cross were taunting: “If you are the King of the Jews, save yourself.” [Luke 23: 37].

I read in Matthew 27: 39 – 40:

And those who passed by derided him, wagging their heads and saying, “You who would destroy the temple and rebuild it in three days, save yourself! If you are the Son of God, come down from the cross.”

I am sure you would agree with me that those were blasphemous words, not so?

Paul writes in 1 Corinthians 1: 18:

For the cross is folly to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God. For it is written: ‘I will destroy the wisdom of the wise, and the discernment of the discerning I will thwart.” [My emphasis].

Shall we substitute the word “folly” perhaps for “silly”? Then I did something further about this word “folly”, I took my Oxford THESAURUS and looked at that word and was I surprised – it is taking this word “folly” to the next level of thinking and expressing disgust. Disgust at the Cross of Jesus Christ.

Picture of the word folly

Let Julius rant and rave. Let him say what he wants about Christ. I am positive that nothing that he can come up with is new and earthshattering.

Do you remember many moons back there was an artist based in Capetown, as I remember, who painted Christ on the Cross as sufferingfrom aids? Do you remember? And what was the reaction? More or less the same reaction from us Christians. I am sure that His Cross is sufficient even for aid’s sufferers.

Picture of the painting of Christ as an aids sufferer

We are indeed living in a godless, blasphemous, murderous, corrupt world – not only in our beautiful rainbow nation, but internationally. Barbaric shall I also describe contemporary society. Just listen to any news bulletin and see how it covers the entire globe. Rape, money laundering, human trafficking, prostitution – the list is endless and it not the exclusive domain for South Africa.

While you are enjoying your Easter buns, think of the real meaning of Easter and the folly people go to, to rescue themselves and their followers. When your children and your grandchildren run around following clues to find the Easter eggs [that Easter bunnies produced], that are hidden in the gardens, think and ponder in your hearts what the real and true meaning of Easter is.

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Saturday 1 April 2023

Week 13 Riding in a safari vehicle in Johannesburg – not to avoid potholes, but to appreciate graffiti and street art

 Street art at its best at Hallowed Ground, City of Johannesburg

Today, Saturday 1 April 2023, I had a lovely experience on a safari vehicle in Johannesburg!! Yes, it is true. A gentleman with the name of Eelco Meyes conducts graffiti and street art tours on a safari vehicle in Johannesburg – we even had visitors from behind the boerewors-curtain that enjoyed this outing. You guessed it right: they were from Pretoria. The one young man confirmed to me that they got safely thru customs and excise early this morning. And now they have to go back to their place – let us remember them!! This link is next level.

I had a restricted view of the artworks because of my position in that vehicle. I sat at the left hand, with my friend on my right and another gentleman on his right. They also had restricted views from their sides but we made the best we can do with what we saw – and that was pretty awesome. I take it that it is part and parcel of game drives in safari vehicles in big cities such as Johannesburg: to have restricted views. I felt as if I was a tourist in my own city! And maybe I was just that: a tourist because I have been places, I have never before been at. And I saw the most incredible art, I have never seen before. That is how I felt when my wife and I were on a conducted tour at the Dome in the Free State back in 2019. I hasten to add that there were certain streets I have been before, but then there was art on the walls I have never seen there before.

I took about 32 photos and I think I should go back to add to my collection. I gladly give credit to each and every artist for their work. You are great and keep it up. Please go to my GALLERY page to have a look at these amazing art work. 

Have a look at these stunning artworks! Under the guidance of Eelco Meyes I learnt so much about it and I thank him for it and for the initiative to organise these tours. You can find him on Facebook as well. This is a sub-culture with its rules and conventions: respect one another and respect the copyright in the images. That is why I give due credit for these guys and I think it is fair use of their art and it is for information purposes. I have not painted anything; I am not able to do so. It is their work for us to enjoy.

I am aware of the emotions these images stir up; and I think most of these artists paint incredibly fast and can even run faster than they can paint!!

I have decided to publish all 32 photos I took, instead of describing it to you.

Here are some links to good websites in respect of graffiti and street art.

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Saturday 25 March 2023




I am still concerned about the people in Turkey and Syria that are severely impacted by the earthquakes and the after shocks that tore the land apart on 6 February 2023. How are they coping? I asked you, my readers, how are you “coping” with this brutal creativity? Some of reacted on my Facebook page and I do appreciate it. Please keep working and keep on make a difference in life.

In the meantime, we genealogists of West Gauteng Branch of the Genealogical Society of South Africa [GSSA] visited the Transvaal Scottish Regimental HQ – “The View” in Parktown, Johannesburg. And it was such a pleasure. I hasten to add that we had the immense privilege of securing James Mitchell as our host and guide. He is such a character – I was standing outside admiring the garden, the trees and the magnificent and imposing homestead.

The tree

As a youngster I thought I should follow photography as a career. I haven’t.

Jerry Uelsmann famously said something like this that a camera is a license to explore. With that in mind, I fell in love with this special niche called street photography. And that caused some havoc. So much so that, some time ago, I was reported to the Law Society [as it then was] and even to the Human Rights Commission. The complainant requested the Law Society to move for my removal as a lawyer. Well, it didn’t happen; that is another story waiting.

I haven’t pursued this wonderful hobby of street photography for a number of years until last Saturday 18 March 2023. That was, until I saw this man sitting quietly at a table in the bar at THE VIEW, intently busy with his cell phone. It seems to me from a distance, as if he was struggling to see properly – what was it? Bad lighting? Bad eyesight? That was the least of my concerns. He was minding his own business; it was him and his cell phone in deep conversation. The rest of the patrons at the bar were concentrating on their drinks. This was going all the while the bagpipes were “piping” as it were.

So, every body was going about their own business. And I saw him sitting there. Without further thinking my old intuitions fired up and I was zooming in on him.

I sat at the other side of the table. That would give me the perfect place to observe him at close range. He was oblivious of my presence. And I greeted him. He looked up, had to refocus to come from where-ever his mind was – I could clearly see how he returned to planet earth from his planet he was visiting. And he smiled and greeted me. I was very welcome; I was welcome, even breaking into his solitude and interaction with his cell.

And we started chatting. I asked him permission, which I normally don’t do, but in this instance it was “in your face” camera-work, to capture him. He was surprised and he tolerated me snapping away. He was such a wonderful man to approach and to chat with. Another gentleman approached us and called him outside because there was a group of people waiting for him. It was my group; my group of genealogists. Only then did I find out that he was our host.

While we were chatting and I clicking on my cell, the bagpipers were busy. I noticed a lady which transpired to be Emily Pentz [the only lady I saw that afternoon]. She went into the room to face the judges so to speak and the door was closed. That left me outside next to the door with my cell phone at the ready. I decided to make a short audio-visual presentation of her piping [just the music] and of him smiling and chatting to me and interacting with his cell phone. My friends were waiting outside while I was having a ball of a time.

I took more than 40 photos of him – it is a character study! I cannot remember whether I had such a opportunity to capture a persons character impromptu!!! I edited some and today I will treat you to look at James Mitchell. 

Youtube video of my character study 

You may also look at the audio visual on my youtube channel 


Saturday 18 March 2023

Week 11 Antakya - my new art project - so called

 Screenshot of the olive grove that was ripped apart on 6 February 2023 in Antakya, Turkey

A brand-new week that is behind us. A clean slate as it were; and yet there are 12.5 million people in Turkey and Syria that were adversely affected by the devastating earthquakes and the hundreds of aftershocks. They lost everything, except their lives. I think that the trauma must be almost unbearable. It must be sheer horror.

Video of the chasm that was ripped open.

I won’t forget that night I received a whatsapp from my brother-in-law who lives in Wellington, Western Cape, South Africa informing me about this. My initial reaction was one of disbelief and to put in the category of fake news. And then my quest began: can I believe this? Or not? And it quickly turned out that it is true. It is a horrific truth, but still true. My next reaction was that it was a brutal creative display of natural forces; the same brutal creativity since the beginning of earth time.

My short protest about the exotic cats in captivity in South Africa is about at its end and by that I mean my sketch I created to register my dismay at this abuse of nature. Being a lawyer, I kept on reading about this phenomenon of animals in captivity, it transpired that there are more Bengal tigers in captivity in the USA than there are in their natural habitat. Well, I enjoyed my short expedition into this lot.

My "protest" against these exotic animals in captivity.

Now, I am onto the earthquake and the devastating effects in specifically Antakya. Antakya? Yes, that is Antioch in New Testament times. It is the same place where St Peter and St Paul were working tirelessly promoting the Gospel of Jesus Christ the Crucified and the Resurrected One – the cutting edge of our Christian faith and rest. And I am aware how polemical this statement is. The cutting edge between the Christian faith and the rest? Really?

This is an aspect or viewpoint if you will, that is crucial. You either believe it or you don’t. You can’t have it both ways. Christ was murdered; it was a judicial murder. Judge Pontius Pilate found Him not-guilt of anything deserving the death penalty. This Judge was a strange character. So far it seems to me as if he is the only judge who was of the view that you, as a judge, should find the same suspect of heinous crimes worthy of death, not-guilty three times. Can you imagine? Three times not guilty. And then he did another thing that a judge should not do. When an accused is found not-guilty, such a person should be unshackled, and set free. Not Pilate. Oh, not him. He then handed Christ over to the murderous Jewish mob and the Roman Soldiers to crucify Him. Horrible. But true. Three days later He rose from the dead. St Paul, the same man, who worked tirelessly in Antakya/Antioch, promoting these facts, wrote in 1 Corinthians chapter 15 about this lot.

I am trying to get to grips with this brutal creativity

Back to that whatsapp and Antakya. More than 50 000 people perished. Hundreds of thousands of buildings and structures were demolished. With all of this, the infrastructure of businesses and professional services came to an abrupt end. And landscapes were changed. For ever? Or shall I state until the next devasting quake; you see, Turkey is in the centre of an earthquake belt so to say. I read last night that there were more than 500 000 quakes last year of which only 100 were devastatingly destructive. And these two in Antakya of 6 February 2023 are part of the 500 000.

All of the above photos are from Antakya - how do you sketch the ruins? Rubble?

I am trying to make sense of this happening; trying to comprehend it; trying to come to grips with it. It eludes me. The videos that circulated on social media is riveting and at the same time repulsive. Now, I try to create something. And once again I will have it laminated and use as a place mat at the table. I downloaded images of the city that was destroyed and try to sketch the rubble. How do you sketch rubble? The glib and easy answer is just as you would an elephant, or a motor vehicle. I battle with that. I think I should go to a building site where a building was demolished and study it and take some photo’s – yes, I realise it is not the same. I must do something. And I will.

How are you doing? What are you doing with this quake? Does it affect you? How? And what are you doing to comprehend it? How do you grasp it?

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Saturday 11 March 2023

Week 10 Exotic big cats in private captivity in South Africa: legit without a permit? Unfortunately, so.

Tiger in captivity at Lory Park Zoo, Midrand

My wife and I visited a private zoo, or a boutique zoo, in Midrand and it was such a pleasure to be there. The place is kept very clean and to my mind the animals are kept in good condition – except these animals are deprived of their freedom in the wild. It is, without saying, the ultimate space for them: their natural habitat; the wild open spaces. Having said that, it is virtually impossible for me to have had access to these exotics in the wild – this is obviously the second best for both them and us.

And it seems as if a lot of scientific research is done on them. And I am very aware of that High Court matter in respect of the elephants in the Johannesburg Zoo – you would have read my write-up about that. I am still waiting the outcomes of this matter. After I did some reading about wild animals in captivity, I am not so sure whether the Court will be sympathetic to the applicants.

I took these two videos with my cell and am happy with the outcomes. What a magnificent creature – and well kept.

Please visit it Lory Park Zoo

My sketch protest against these exotic animals in private captivity is finished and remains to be laminated to be my first placemat to display while we are eating. At the moment I am busy with my next art project and I will keep a “secret” for a while – once again something very current and very real and scary but yet brutally creative.

With some reading done, I came to a shocking discovery and that is that there are more Bengal tigers in the USA in captivity than there are specimens in the wild. Please visit this website and read it for yourself.

Here is a quote from the one website [ANIMAL LEGALDEFENSE FUND est 1979 link] pertaining to the USA:

More tigers live in cages in this country, than exist in all the wild. They are just some of the millions of wild animals living in captivity across the United States. Some are in aquariums, circuses, theme parks and zoos, others live caged at private homes.

This website is brim-full of articles that will make your hand stand up in horror! And it refers to a number of legal actions against the authorities to take action.

The RSPCA’s article on WELFARE OF WILD ANIMALS IN CAPTIVITY is also worth a visit and to spend some time there.

And there is no legislation to regulate and protect it – this pertains to our beautiful country as well.

This holds true not only for tigers, but all kinds of wild exotic animals. I would venture a guess about the High Court Case about our Elephants in the Johannesburg Zoo, that it might go against the applicants who apply for the relocation of these animals. Initially I was swayed in favour of the applicants’ case, but now it seems to be open to some doubt. I suggest that there are, or might be, some good reason to keep these in  captivity. Maybe, and I have not researched this aspect, it needs better regulations and patrolling of these facilities?

Having said all of this about the Elephants-case, their legal team and experts, are a lot to be reckoned with; not mickey mouse stuff this. Heavy weights. But … we are waiting the Courts views with bated breath.

I came to the very sad conclusion about my “protest” against exotic Bengal Tigers in captivity in the RSA, that this a not going to succeed to have it eradicated or to cause these animals to be returned to their natural habitat. On the positive side, I at least have done something to draw attention to this phenomenon; every time we use the place mat on our table, I will know, and my guests, will know, about this huge problem and that there are animals in distress – and mostly it is us, human beings, that is causing it. And I hope that it will elicit a good lively discussion.

And, besides, I enjoyed this art project.

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Friday 24 February 2023

Week 8 The day the Earth moved How the Turkey earthquake tore a 300-kilometre rupture through the Earth’s surface

An attempt to make sense of the earthquake in Turkey that ripped open an olive grove.

An attempt to make sense of the quake in Turkey that ripped open an olive grove

Midnight Monday 13 February 2023 I was doing art in my lounge while my wife was sleeping when I received a whatsapp message from my brother-in-law living in Wellington, Western Cape, South Africa. I was shocked and intrigued at the same time. Being a lawyer for more than 42 years, one of my other reactions was that this is a fake and a fraud. But I kept looking. And listening to the background noises. I heard as background, the muezzin (mu'adh-dhin in Arabic) calling the people to prayers. That had the sound of truth in it. But I was still sceptical. And then I saw the fissure with part of the olive grove deep down in the crater [?]. I kept looking. Eventually, I was somewhat convinced. But not too sure.

I decided to google it. And I got other footage of the same area captured by what seems to me different drones at different times. And I was convinced.

This took place on 6 February 2023 and this massive fissure ripping the olive grove apart was 150 kilometers from the epi centre of the quake. It further transpired that the earth was ripped open for more than 300 kilometers. Thousands of people perished. Homes were destroyed. Businesses crumbled.

And yet this crater was gripping.

Herewith a quote from the write up with the link below: Even at the southern tip of the larger rupture, about 150 km from the epicentre of the initial 7.8 magnitude quake, the village of Tepehan, in Hatay province, witnessed extraordinary cracks tearing through the surface.”

Further thoughts of mine were that it is the brutal, creative power of nature at work; and I was thinking of Genesis chapter 1. When God, according to Moses, created the heavens and the earth. Powerful. Brutal. Creativity at work. Click on these links: Another link.

One of the people I sent these videos, and my initial thoughts starkly reminded of the loss of lives and the destruction of buildings, so as to remind me of the tragedy. This was not lost on me. I was painfully aware of this.

And I was thinking of the tsunami that struck Japan some years ago – We only saw the devastating effects of the quake and how it played out on land. We were not privy to the craters and fissures deep down on the crust of the earth covered by sea water.

Now I am trying to create something to remind me of this midnight experience. And I will keep you posted as to what I am doing.

This is obviously not an academic paper on the quake – just a couple of hundred words to record some of it. I am still reading and I am sketching.

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