Saturday 1 April 2023

Week 13 Riding in a safari vehicle in Johannesburg – not to avoid potholes, but to appreciate graffiti and street art

 Street art at its best at Hallowed Ground, City of Johannesburg

Today, Saturday 1 April 2023, I had a lovely experience on a safari vehicle in Johannesburg!! Yes, it is true. A gentleman with the name of Eelco Meyes conducts graffiti and street art tours on a safari vehicle in Johannesburg – we even had visitors from behind the boerewors-curtain that enjoyed this outing. You guessed it right: they were from Pretoria. The one young man confirmed to me that they got safely thru customs and excise early this morning. And now they have to go back to their place – let us remember them!! This link is next level.

I had a restricted view of the artworks because of my position in that vehicle. I sat at the left hand, with my friend on my right and another gentleman on his right. They also had restricted views from their sides but we made the best we can do with what we saw – and that was pretty awesome. I take it that it is part and parcel of game drives in safari vehicles in big cities such as Johannesburg: to have restricted views. I felt as if I was a tourist in my own city! And maybe I was just that: a tourist because I have been places, I have never before been at. And I saw the most incredible art, I have never seen before. That is how I felt when my wife and I were on a conducted tour at the Dome in the Free State back in 2019. I hasten to add that there were certain streets I have been before, but then there was art on the walls I have never seen there before.

I took about 32 photos and I think I should go back to add to my collection. I gladly give credit to each and every artist for their work. You are great and keep it up. Please go to my GALLERY page to have a look at these amazing art work. 

Have a look at these stunning artworks! Under the guidance of Eelco Meyes I learnt so much about it and I thank him for it and for the initiative to organise these tours. You can find him on Facebook as well. This is a sub-culture with its rules and conventions: respect one another and respect the copyright in the images. That is why I give due credit for these guys and I think it is fair use of their art and it is for information purposes. I have not painted anything; I am not able to do so. It is their work for us to enjoy.

I am aware of the emotions these images stir up; and I think most of these artists paint incredibly fast and can even run faster than they can paint!!

I have decided to publish all 32 photos I took, instead of describing it to you.

Here are some links to good websites in respect of graffiti and street art.

Please write me your story:



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