Thursday 6 April 2023



Easter is on us. And we wish the other “Happy Easter.” What does that mean?

Easter is NOT about Easter bunnies or Easter Eggs being hidden in gardens for the “kiddies” to search for. This is way off the mark of the essence of Easter. There is NO resemblance to the real Easter at all. That is a way to detract the attention away from the real Easter story. And, in the meantime, it is really all about the silly [“folly”] cross of Jesus Christ! I am of the view that these silly Easter eggs and silly Easter bunnies are of the same ilk as what Julius allegedly said [bearing in mind that he disputes him saying that “garbage” as he referred to it].

Julius Malema is reported to have referred to the “little silly cross of Jesus.” With further reading it seems to me as if Julius is disputing this exact phrase – let’s give him the benefit. Having said that, let us just explore this saying and ask ourselves: is it a “silly cross”? This is not original thinking. St. Paul said that already in the first letter to the Corinthians chapter 1 – grab your Bible and read the entire chapter. He said it is foolishness for some.

See this link where he denies having said that “garbage.”

He said that they [meaning his cohorts] cannotwait for Jesus to deliver land to them. He was not even original in this saying. Please continue to read. In this TIK TOK video clip he states categorically that they are not religious. Well, Julius it is abundantly clear that you are not religious but thank you for just saying it yourself.

I, however, find corroboration in our Scriptures for the silly little Cross of Jesus Christ. The Cross is still anathema to the world. You have to save yourself!

If I understand the Gospels correctly, it is reported therein that the spectators were rather dismissive about Him hanging there, alone because his dapper disciples fled, bleeding, helpless and disfigured. The same crowd that hailed Him to be the Hero riding on a donkey, and plucking off their garments and throwing it onto the ground for the donkey to trample it [read Matthew 21: 2 and 5], that same crowd were besides themselves shouting: “Let Him be crucified. Let His blood on us and our children.” [read Matthew 27: 25 and please continue to read and read how He was mocked and belittled]. That was the extent of the derision of the world at that time. And now, we expect the world to see Him in a different light? What makes us believe that that will happen?

The soldiers standing next to the Cross were taunting: “If you are the King of the Jews, save yourself.” [Luke 23: 37].

I read in Matthew 27: 39 – 40:

And those who passed by derided him, wagging their heads and saying, “You who would destroy the temple and rebuild it in three days, save yourself! If you are the Son of God, come down from the cross.”

I am sure you would agree with me that those were blasphemous words, not so?

Paul writes in 1 Corinthians 1: 18:

For the cross is folly to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God. For it is written: ‘I will destroy the wisdom of the wise, and the discernment of the discerning I will thwart.” [My emphasis].

Shall we substitute the word “folly” perhaps for “silly”? Then I did something further about this word “folly”, I took my Oxford THESAURUS and looked at that word and was I surprised – it is taking this word “folly” to the next level of thinking and expressing disgust. Disgust at the Cross of Jesus Christ.

Picture of the word folly

Let Julius rant and rave. Let him say what he wants about Christ. I am positive that nothing that he can come up with is new and earthshattering.

Do you remember many moons back there was an artist based in Capetown, as I remember, who painted Christ on the Cross as sufferingfrom aids? Do you remember? And what was the reaction? More or less the same reaction from us Christians. I am sure that His Cross is sufficient even for aid’s sufferers.

Picture of the painting of Christ as an aids sufferer

We are indeed living in a godless, blasphemous, murderous, corrupt world – not only in our beautiful rainbow nation, but internationally. Barbaric shall I also describe contemporary society. Just listen to any news bulletin and see how it covers the entire globe. Rape, money laundering, human trafficking, prostitution – the list is endless and it not the exclusive domain for South Africa.

While you are enjoying your Easter buns, think of the real meaning of Easter and the folly people go to, to rescue themselves and their followers. When your children and your grandchildren run around following clues to find the Easter eggs [that Easter bunnies produced], that are hidden in the gardens, think and ponder in your hearts what the real and true meaning of Easter is.

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