Saturday 25 March 2023




I am still concerned about the people in Turkey and Syria that are severely impacted by the earthquakes and the after shocks that tore the land apart on 6 February 2023. How are they coping? I asked you, my readers, how are you “coping” with this brutal creativity? Some of reacted on my Facebook page and I do appreciate it. Please keep working and keep on make a difference in life.

In the meantime, we genealogists of West Gauteng Branch of the Genealogical Society of South Africa [GSSA] visited the Transvaal Scottish Regimental HQ – “The View” in Parktown, Johannesburg. And it was such a pleasure. I hasten to add that we had the immense privilege of securing James Mitchell as our host and guide. He is such a character – I was standing outside admiring the garden, the trees and the magnificent and imposing homestead.

The tree

As a youngster I thought I should follow photography as a career. I haven’t.

Jerry Uelsmann famously said something like this that a camera is a license to explore. With that in mind, I fell in love with this special niche called street photography. And that caused some havoc. So much so that, some time ago, I was reported to the Law Society [as it then was] and even to the Human Rights Commission. The complainant requested the Law Society to move for my removal as a lawyer. Well, it didn’t happen; that is another story waiting.

I haven’t pursued this wonderful hobby of street photography for a number of years until last Saturday 18 March 2023. That was, until I saw this man sitting quietly at a table in the bar at THE VIEW, intently busy with his cell phone. It seems to me from a distance, as if he was struggling to see properly – what was it? Bad lighting? Bad eyesight? That was the least of my concerns. He was minding his own business; it was him and his cell phone in deep conversation. The rest of the patrons at the bar were concentrating on their drinks. This was going all the while the bagpipes were “piping” as it were.

So, every body was going about their own business. And I saw him sitting there. Without further thinking my old intuitions fired up and I was zooming in on him.

I sat at the other side of the table. That would give me the perfect place to observe him at close range. He was oblivious of my presence. And I greeted him. He looked up, had to refocus to come from where-ever his mind was – I could clearly see how he returned to planet earth from his planet he was visiting. And he smiled and greeted me. I was very welcome; I was welcome, even breaking into his solitude and interaction with his cell.

And we started chatting. I asked him permission, which I normally don’t do, but in this instance it was “in your face” camera-work, to capture him. He was surprised and he tolerated me snapping away. He was such a wonderful man to approach and to chat with. Another gentleman approached us and called him outside because there was a group of people waiting for him. It was my group; my group of genealogists. Only then did I find out that he was our host.

While we were chatting and I clicking on my cell, the bagpipers were busy. I noticed a lady which transpired to be Emily Pentz [the only lady I saw that afternoon]. She went into the room to face the judges so to speak and the door was closed. That left me outside next to the door with my cell phone at the ready. I decided to make a short audio-visual presentation of her piping [just the music] and of him smiling and chatting to me and interacting with his cell phone. My friends were waiting outside while I was having a ball of a time.

I took more than 40 photos of him – it is a character study! I cannot remember whether I had such a opportunity to capture a persons character impromptu!!! I edited some and today I will treat you to look at James Mitchell. 

Youtube video of my character study 

You may also look at the audio visual on my youtube channel 



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