Tuesday 17 May 2016


The invitation to Felix Made's graduation ceremony on 21 October 2014 at the Auditorium of the University of Johannesburg

Felix Made, a Sudanese refugee, graduated cum laude on 21 Octobter 2014 at University of Johannesburg with a diploma in Biomedical Technology. This took place in the very Auditorium that was burnt down on the night of 16 May 2016 by uncivilized barbarians. You can look at a YouTube video at this link.

Now this once proud Auditorium was privy to many wonderful occasions and extremely proud moments for refugees, fathers, mothers, brothers and sisters and other family members.


This is what is left of the UJ's Auditorium after uncivilized primitive barbarians set it on fire

This a another photo of what is left of the proud Auditorium of UJ where civilized people gathered in the past with the sole aim of making a contribution to build South Africa

Can you believe this? It is the most shocking thing that can happen at any institution of learning. It seems as if the only words to describe the people who are responsible for this as uncivilized, primitive barbarians.

This Auditorium is witness to many proud and auspicious gatherings of proud and learned men, women and children - but these uncivilized brutes got hold of it!

This is the very Auditorium where I graduated with my LLB degree many years ago. After that occasion my wife and I were present when our children graduated there. My wife and I were present when some of my refugee clients graduated there - I can hear the singing and the roars of proud parents and students waving and shouting of pure pleasure of being in the Hall. There are many thousands of people who have witnessed some of their proudest times of their lives in this Hall - now reduced to ashes and memories.

How many parents have suffered shortages in their private lives to make financial provision for their children to eventually graduate there? There must be countless people who can attest to this fact just to be confronted by this barbaric act of the utmost proportions.

They even arsoned the computer laboratory which was there to assist the under privileged students. You can read an article by clicking here.

There is now nowhere to go or a uncivilized brute can/might/will appear during the night to light a match and destroy. Well, I do remember that the  a similar barbaric act of arson

Having said all of this, one should remember that the ultimate crime remains murder.

Friday 13 May 2016


This man stepping down? It must be a hoax!
Dancing in Parliament about Nkandla!

Zuma willing to step down? Can you really believe what you read here?

I can assure you that if this is not a hoax then the ANC will back down with the usual "... we are quoted out of context ..." nonsense!

There are even this report that this man wants to "... bow out gracefully ..." I ask the question whether it is at all possible that such a man can do anything "... gracefully ..."? Even if he gets legal advice, be it good advice or bad advice as was suggested in the Con Court judgement in the case against the EFF.

"The top ANC members told the Mail & Guardian that they had been secretly working on an "exit strategy" for Zuma ..." This is a direct quote from the previous link. It is suggested that they are working hand in glove with the next president to prepare a unconditional presidential pardon for this man; and the next incumbent it working on granting  this man presidential honours in terms of the Constitution.

When one reads these reports it sounds as if ... as if what? I don't trust this at all. But it says it all: This man cannot take a stance as a man and resign. He even mocked the Con Court by his so called "reprimand" of the ministers.

Don't get you hopes raised at all - daar is 'n slang in die gras ["there is a snake in the grass"].

Monday 9 May 2016


Front page of the Sunday Times of 8 May 2016

This is shocking news from a trustworthy person, Advocate Thuli Madonsela. I suggest to you that she has done an enormous amount of good work in South Africa so much so that the influential TIME Magazine named her amongst its 100 most influential people. She was called South Africa's fearless public advocate.

And now she is fearful for her life!

She even alleges that her allegations were not treated seriously by Crime intelligence officers. Well, Madame Thuli what did you expect? Even the Contortionist joked about Nkandla; these intelligence officers know they are safe because of what their president is doing in parliament.

The plans are that she will succumb in a fake motor vehicle accident. Now we all know that if this lady is killed in a motor vehicle accident, it was a successful assassination. These are chilling words to write down - but it comes from a reputable person who successfully tackled the Contortionist and were vindicated by the highest court in R.S.A. namely the Constitutional Court. You can download this interesting case to read at your leisure as well as at your consternation.

I don't advise the Advocate to confide in the Contortionist as he would in all probabilities just sit and giggle like a raunchy schoolchild. Please read my previous blogpost in respect of the shameful behaviour of the Contortionist in Parliament. When he was taken to task about his shameful disregard for Parliament, the Speaker [the same person who figured in the Con Court case and where she lost] ordered the speaker to sit down.

When I read this report in the SUNDAY TIMES I was vividly reminded of a similar incident playing out in my offices. My client phoned me one morning rather early and I could hear naked fear in this man's voice. He told me that what he termed as the clothing mafia are after him to kill him. Fortunately it didn't happen at the time. He had a heart attack while driving his motor vehicle.

Wednesday 4 May 2016


Pablo Picasso died intestate

I was reading on the internet and I came across this slideshow of famous people [some not so famous] who passed away intestate.

Even Pablo Picasso got caught that way.

Can you believe that Abraham Lincoln also passed away intestate.

Abraham Lincoln passed away intestate

Please get in touch with me at my e-mail address: neelscoertse@wirelessza.co.za [before it is too late and your intestate heirs are cashing in]. You may even phone me on 011-783-2248 or 084-456-1030.
I'd love to hear from you.

Sunday 1 May 2016


Where do you start telling a bizarre story? Probably right at the start, not so? Now I will ask you where is the start of such a story? The setting for this story is in the Arabic desert in Dubai. Shall I then start with the beginning of the Arabian desert? Maybe I shall start telling you about that court case about Islam that I read 30 years ago? Well, let me just start somewhere.

My wife Annemarié Coertse and our son Niel with
Daniel Brawn in the Arabian Desert

Our son Niel practises in Dubai as a lawyer for the last 10 months. Annemarié and I visited him middle April 2016. Prior to us going, I asked him to arrange visits to the houses of parliament, the Highest Court in Dubai and another place or two. That request met with some resistance from his side with the strong retort: “Dad, you shouldn’t pluck out your camera and start shooting. It is not South Africa.”

I decided to keep a low profile and not to arrange anything and left all arrangements in his hands. That was the better part of wisdom. When we arrived there he had everything planned to perfection. He arranged a dune bashing trip with his colleague Daniel Brawn. 

Annemarié went with Niel in his Jeep and Daniel and I were in his Jeep.

Daniel comes from the UK and is 63 years old having started his career as a welder. He then decided he does not want to grow old with all sorts of career injuries and he enrolled at a University in the UK studying ancient history and archaeology. He had a growing family and he couldn’t survive on the income from this field of study. Then he started law and ended with a doctorate in law. As I have stated above, he and Niel are now at the same international firm of lawyers in Dubai.

Daniel lived for some time as a child in South Africa where his dad was a political activist telling his story by making movies. As a child he met with a number of well-known activists and he was in the same class as Sir Seretse Khama’s, the previous president of Botswana, son Lieutenant General Ian Khama.

Niel, on the other hand also developed his career. First of all, he was vehemently opposed to academic studies and started as cabinet maker working amongst others on Mr Harry Oppenheimer’s furniture. Then he qualified as a lawyer and now works in Dubai.

Now I ask you another question: What are the chances that I would have met Daniel Brawn in the Arabian desert during April 2016 and discussing, amongst others, this court case about Islam that I read some 30 years ago and have never ever even given it another thought? Well, it happened and I met him and we were bashing dunes and seeing the odd camel or stopping at an oasis.

The odd camel wandering around

While I was with Daniel, Annemarié was having a go at the dunes with her eyes closed and yelling. She describes her ordeal as exactly the same as if in an amusement park but that it lasted three hours.

Daniel and I had the most extraordinary conversation in his Jeep. Niel asked him afterwards, why did he every now and again slow down considerably? Daniel explained: “Niel, that was when your dad and I were discussing something important.”

He is now researching the ancient history of Dubai and more specifically its social structures and the different sects found in Islam. That was the time that I referred to that South African court case. We also discussed the case the EFF recently won against Jacob Zuma. I told him that I read that case en route to Rome in the aeroplane while my fellow passengers were glued to the tiny TV screens watching movies. I gave Daniel my copy with my manuscript notes on it and he promised to read it, which he subsequently did.

I am sure you still remember the meeting when Professor Himla Sootyal delivered her lecture at our West Gauteng Branch on DNA and when she recommended a book by Bryan Sykes: THE SEVEN DAUGHTERS OF EVE. Back in South Africa I sent Daniel a reading list inclusive of this book.

We also discussed Cheik Anta Diop’s book THE AFRICAN ORIGIN OF CIVILIZATION. He undertook to obtain his own copy and read it.

He then guided us to an archaeological site deep inside the desert that is apparently 120 000 years old. There he showed us where that community lived and buried their loved ones. Burial, you should bear in mind, is one of the important markers that sets us for ever apart from the animal kingdom. The other marker is agriculture. Bryan Sykes grows lyrical about these facts; it struck me forcefully that these markers are indeed most remarkable and that nothing, not even our technological advances, can compare with these two markers: agriculture and burials.

The archaeological site where there was
a community living about 120 000 years ago with
some of the graves visible

In these photos you will see caves where the ancients buried their loved ones. I venture to state that these photos must be probably some of the oldest one can get – it is certainly much older than Sterkfontein’s graves [Link to the Genealogical Society of South Africa's Cemetry Recording Project] we photographed some time ago. While we were there, it was only the wind you could hear blowing softly over these ancient sites as if the wind was accentuating the ancient secrets buried thousands of years ago – these sites are not going to yield its secrets easily. I think that if you listen carefully to the wind and keep on digging, you will eventually discover some of their secrets. Daniel says that when you sleep out in the desert, at night you can hear the sand rolling down the dunes.

A couple of kilometres from there but within walking distance, there was a small village with camels out on the desert sand. They are living within earshot from this site. On the face of the desert sand there is nothing to eke out a living let alone to educate your kids or keep your camel farm going. How do they manage?

When you travel in the Eastern Cape or Zambia or Zimbabwe, there is always some sound somewhere in the distance. Here, in this desert I only heard the wind.

The wind blowing softly over this ancient site, is still howling in my ears.

The graves of the ancients

Please read those books – you never know whom you might meet thirty years from now!
[Links to Cheik Anta Diop on Wikipedia; and another video clip]
[Link to Bryan Sykes on Wikipedia]

It was a mind changing encounter with Daniel Brawn and I want to go back to spend time with Daniel in the desert and to meet with the nomads.

Back from the desert we had to inflate the tires
for normal road conditions

I think that the meeting with Daniel was serendipitous to the extreme. I never thought that I would visit a place such as Dubai, let alone meeting a man such a Daniel Brawn, bashing dunes up and down and having these amazing conversations somewhere in the Arabic desert.

Thank you Daniel Brawn for taking time and that you spent it with us.

Miracles do happen – even in the Arabic desert.

Please drop me an e-mail at neelscoertse@wirelessza.co.za

Neels Coertse
Editor West Gauteng Newsletter
Branch of the Genealogical Society of 
South Africa [Link to the West Gauteng Branch's Newsletters]
30 April 2016

[This article was first published on behalf the West Gauteng Branch of the Genealogical Society of South Africa on 30 April 2016]

Thursday 28 April 2016


My wife and I are back from our short but eventful holiday in Rome & Dubai. Our spirits soared like Jonathan Livingstone's Seagull - a seagull that guided me on top of St Peter's Basilica and I was fortunate to have captured and to now share it with you.

I experienced a blessing.

Back in our sunny country I soon realised that even with the Guptas on the face of it no longer in South Africa, that sham of a man whom I call THE CONTORTIONIST is still on the throne of Nkandla. And that he is still laughing even in the face of Judge Yacoob telling him to abdicate. Remember this judge? He said he disagreed with the acquittal of Zuma on charges of rape; later the judge pulled the same trick as every politician by pack peddling or adjusting what he really said. Just bear this in mind.

There are very prominent South Africans who called on the Contortionist to go [nobody is brave enough the suggest where this chappie should go to, and they all leave it up to our own imaginations]. You may want to see who those South Africans are - you may read about some of them here.

I have a video clip wherein the ex Finance Minister Trevor Manuel says he thinks it is a good thing if Zuma quits. Watch this video and pay attention more or less at 10:15 where he sets out his views. Manuel is of the view that the Contortionist violated the Constitution - and I agree with Manuel. Here is another link wherein Stephen Groote writes about this video clip as well.

In the meantime I will leave you for now and thank you for reading my blog. Here's one to Zuma, the ultimate Contortionist - I took a snapshot of this Rolls Royce while we were in Dubai; I really don't know whether it belong[ed] to either one of the Guptas or maybe ex Minister of Finance Van Rooyen or maybe en route to SA for the Contortionist.