Friday 13 May 2016


This man stepping down? It must be a hoax!
Dancing in Parliament about Nkandla!

Zuma willing to step down? Can you really believe what you read here?

I can assure you that if this is not a hoax then the ANC will back down with the usual "... we are quoted out of context ..." nonsense!

There are even this report that this man wants to "... bow out gracefully ..." I ask the question whether it is at all possible that such a man can do anything "... gracefully ..."? Even if he gets legal advice, be it good advice or bad advice as was suggested in the Con Court judgement in the case against the EFF.

"The top ANC members told the Mail & Guardian that they had been secretly working on an "exit strategy" for Zuma ..." This is a direct quote from the previous link. It is suggested that they are working hand in glove with the next president to prepare a unconditional presidential pardon for this man; and the next incumbent it working on granting  this man presidential honours in terms of the Constitution.

When one reads these reports it sounds as if ... as if what? I don't trust this at all. But it says it all: This man cannot take a stance as a man and resign. He even mocked the Con Court by his so called "reprimand" of the ministers.

Don't get you hopes raised at all - daar is 'n slang in die gras ["there is a snake in the grass"].


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