Tuesday 17 May 2016


This is what is left of the UJ's Auditorium after uncivilized primitive barbarians set it on fire

This a another photo of what is left of the proud Auditorium of UJ where civilized people gathered in the past with the sole aim of making a contribution to build South Africa

Can you believe this? It is the most shocking thing that can happen at any institution of learning. It seems as if the only words to describe the people who are responsible for this as uncivilized, primitive barbarians.

This Auditorium is witness to many proud and auspicious gatherings of proud and learned men, women and children - but these uncivilized brutes got hold of it!

This is the very Auditorium where I graduated with my LLB degree many years ago. After that occasion my wife and I were present when our children graduated there. My wife and I were present when some of my refugee clients graduated there - I can hear the singing and the roars of proud parents and students waving and shouting of pure pleasure of being in the Hall. There are many thousands of people who have witnessed some of their proudest times of their lives in this Hall - now reduced to ashes and memories.

How many parents have suffered shortages in their private lives to make financial provision for their children to eventually graduate there? There must be countless people who can attest to this fact just to be confronted by this barbaric act of the utmost proportions.

They even arsoned the computer laboratory which was there to assist the under privileged students. You can read an article by clicking here.

There is now nowhere to go or a uncivilized brute can/might/will appear during the night to light a match and destroy. Well, I do remember that the  a similar barbaric act of arson

Having said all of this, one should remember that the ultimate crime remains murder.


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