Sunday 26 May 2019

THE POWER OF ONE - this is a must read story!


This is a powerful story straight from WWII and the holocaust. I picked up the SA JEWISH REPORT 24 - 31 May 2019 and on page 5 I read this remarkable story. It is how one man, Nobuki Sugihara's father defied the Nazis and wrote travel documents to the beleaguered Jews trapped in Lithuania during the holocaust. 75 Years later Rabbi Yossi Goldman's father Rabbi Shimon Goldman was a recipient of such a travel document. Yossi and Nobuki met in Philadelphia commemorating this momentous occasion. It is estimated that most of the 6000 people Mr Sugihara Snr saved survived and some estimate that between 40'000 - 60'000 descendants are alive today because of his actions. One man saved thousands upon thousands.  

I reminds me of the story of Hannah of old who was desperate and went to the temple to pray. The priest saw her and thought she was drunk and tried to chase her away. She told him why she was praying and sometime later Samuel was born. Prior to Samuel's birth the Word of God was not often heard in that region. When Samuel grew up all of sudden the Word of God was heard in the region. The power of one woman who prayed to God. Read it in 1 Samuel chapters 1 - 4:1

It further reminds of one woman, Mary who was willing and faithful to be the holy vessel for the Christ that was born. Once again the power of one. Read it here

It reminds me again of Paul of Tarsus who met Christ Jesus on the road to Damascus where he was hell bent to persecute the Christians. Then he followed Christ - Acts chapters 8 - 9. 

Don't underestimate your influence to the outside world. The power of one person.


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