Sunday 26 May 2019

THE POWER OF ONE - this is a must read story!


This is a powerful story straight from WWII and the holocaust. I picked up the SA JEWISH REPORT 24 - 31 May 2019 and on page 5 I read this remarkable story. It is how one man, Nobuki Sugihara's father defied the Nazis and wrote travel documents to the beleaguered Jews trapped in Lithuania during the holocaust. 75 Years later Rabbi Yossi Goldman's father Rabbi Shimon Goldman was a recipient of such a travel document. Yossi and Nobuki met in Philadelphia commemorating this momentous occasion. It is estimated that most of the 6000 people Mr Sugihara Snr saved survived and some estimate that between 40'000 - 60'000 descendants are alive today because of his actions. One man saved thousands upon thousands.  

I reminds me of the story of Hannah of old who was desperate and went to the temple to pray. The priest saw her and thought she was drunk and tried to chase her away. She told him why she was praying and sometime later Samuel was born. Prior to Samuel's birth the Word of God was not often heard in that region. When Samuel grew up all of sudden the Word of God was heard in the region. The power of one woman who prayed to God. Read it in 1 Samuel chapters 1 - 4:1

It further reminds of one woman, Mary who was willing and faithful to be the holy vessel for the Christ that was born. Once again the power of one. Read it here

It reminds me again of Paul of Tarsus who met Christ Jesus on the road to Damascus where he was hell bent to persecute the Christians. Then he followed Christ - Acts chapters 8 - 9. 

Don't underestimate your influence to the outside world. The power of one person.

Tuesday 21 May 2019

Small talk with strangers puts you on a high for the entire day

Ivan Pachosky 

I love talking to strangers - from the cashier behind the cash register to a stranger walking by in the street. Just pass a remark. And they talk back with a similar remark or just smiles at you. This is a very interesting article to read - click here.

My images above is definite proof of this approach. I started talking to this complete stranger at someone's home and eventually it he invited me to a rehearsal of his music.  

I am sure you do  the same. Please write me an e-letter telling me at: 

Wednesday 15 May 2019


Loftus Versfeld, Pretoria 

 Loftus Versfeld, Pretoria

 Loftus Versfeld, Pretoria

 Loftus Versfeld, Pretoria

Loftus Versfeld, Pretoria

During 2010 soccer madness gripped my country being the host for the 2010 Soccer World Cup. And my country's soccer team BAFANA BAFANA played in the opening game.

I was so engrossed with this thing and I grabbed my camera and went shooting. Never before nor afterwards I had such fun with the camera. You could point the camera at any one and shoot without an objection. There were smiles and friendly faces all over the place.

There is a small suburb near Johannesburg CBD called Randburg and I went shooting there. And made my own sound recordings of the ear splitting noise. People went crazy. This gathering you see here was in front of the Randburg Fire Brigade Station. Such goodwill I have never encountered before or afterwards.

Please enjoy it with me. It was great fun.

Oh! Yes. Before I forget: I made a scrapbook with lots and lots of photographs and events and people. I took photos of all but one or two stadiums. I will post those images later on.

Bye for now and please write me an e-mail and tell me you story.

Tuesday 14 May 2019


My dear Reader
I owe you an apology for not posting anything on my blog. The very short reason for this delay is that I took seriously ill with my liver. I contracted a non-alcoholic fatty liver. I was hospitalized for 3 days and eventually "nafl" was diagnosed. I am much better and I also visited a nutritionist. There is apparently no prescribed medication for this condition; the only thing you do is to change your diet.

Now I am up and about and ready for my next post.

You must know by now that I am an amateur genealogist and a lawyer and therefore this kind of a report will attract my attention. Read this fascinating newspaper report in the NEW YORK TIMES How Volunteer Sleuths Identified a Hiker and Her Killer After 36 - click here

Yes, the new DNA "technology" changes everything and most certainly an unexpected perk is to solve cold case murders! Good for you! 

I hope not to disappoint you in future and happy reading.