Monday 9 October 2017


Epiphyllum 2017

My wife and I are lawyers for the individual.

We, my wife and I, provide discreet personal attention to the drafting of testaments and estate administration.

We believe that the individual is most important especially in this day and age we are living in where computers and impersonal call centres are most fashionable and pervasive. It is our view that personal attention matters most, not only during times of bereavement but at all times. You and your family members need sympathetic and personal attention during such trying times.

We can assist you to tailor make your will – to your own dictates and preferences. It is obvious that you are not going to rule from the grave, as it were, but to have a testament drafted to suite your own personal circumstances. Please refrain from having a joint will between spouses; you are entitled to have your own testament drafted for you specifically.

If your testament is drawn properly, it goes a long way to smooth the administration of your estate. You should keep your documents in a safe place where someone you love and trust, will have access to.

This brings me to the point of deceased estate administration. When your loved one passes away, you are left with the task of sorting out his/her last will and wishes.

Who is going to attend to that?

Big corporate financial institutions?

Let me immediately admit that these big corporations do a good job of it. But it is, and remains impersonal, and you get a reference number and the call centre’s telephone numbers. You will hardly see somebody in person. To attend to the last wishes of your loved one needs careful consideration, execution and personal attention – don’t leave that to an impersonal touch!

My wife and I are a legal team with some years of experience behind us; I for instance was admitted as an attorney during 1979 and have also practised as an advocate at the Johannesburg Bar. Our offices are in Sandton.

We are available to serve you and your deceased loved one’s best interests.

Please get in touch with us immediately before it is too late.

Telephone: 084-456-1030 or e-mail:

Neels Coertse


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