Tuesday 21 February 2017


Freeway, Johannesburg

Rag doll, Johannesburg 

How can you make photographs? I think it is very easy, provided you pause for a moment or maybe two moments and just think. You should actually think even before you leave your home. Think a bit about photography. Making photographs start long before you even lift your camera. Making a photograph starts in your head and not in your camera - the  camera is just a tool to express what you were thinking about. Think before you take any image. And when the decisive moment arrives, you will seize it and half the battle is won. 

I took the two images above. The RAG DOLL I took with my iPad in a parking garage at the Johannesburg Charlotte Maxeke Hospital. I saw it because I am thinking about photography and I am aware that images are lurking around every corner - look and you will spot it. After I took it, I cropped it to get rid of extraneous matter and worked in Photoshop a little bit. If you don't have any software manipulation program it is not a disaster. Cropping can be done in your computer - don't say to me that you are computer illiterate or that you are stupid. Do something about it.

When you are taking images of children do them the favor and pay them some respect and bend your knees before them. Do them another favor and stand a distance away from them because if you are too close, the beautiful faces will be distorted and then they look stupid. 

Please read the following article by Eric Kim about this very topic. Never stop making photographs.


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