Wednesday 1 February 2017

The holy mountain: monks of Mount Athos – photo essay

Monks on Mountain Athos

Have a look at this wonderful photo essay about the Monks of Mount Athos. I find great inspiration in these photos. Somewhere along the line it seems to me as if modern man lost this connection with our human soul and spirit. 

When I travel on the high ways and walking in the city or dining at restaurants, I observe and look at my fellow men travelling with me on the pathway of life. It is not always encouraging. When I see fathers and or mothers that are disconnected with their children, it kind of suffocate me. When I interact at church and I experience how cold and distant the elderly, the middle age people and the young ones are, yes even at church, I wonder how can we connect. 

I am hugely encouraged to see some statistics of my postings that at present the overall counter in respect of google is: 111654. Thank you to each and every one for looking, reading and I do hope find something that will encourage you to continue living a Christian life.


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