Wednesday 11 April 2018


The Contortionist is at it again - this time not a NumbaOne, but as Accused Number 1

There is a good summary, so it seems to me, on News24 available of the charge sheet against Accused Number 1, the erstwhile President of the RSA, Jacob Zuma, at this link. I have not read the original charge sheet that is the reason I state that it seems to me to be a good summary. But knowing the antics of this man, the Contortionist, he will have "good explanations" or in other words, "good stories" to tell the court. I encourage you to read this summary of the charge sheet and just imagine what, if you were the accused, you would have to tell the court to get off? 

One thing is for certain and that is the formidable State Advocate, Adv Billy Downer SC who successfully prosecuted this man's erstwhile shaky friend, Shabir Shaik. When a lawyer looks at the crime of corruption there must logically he at the minimum two people involved. One person cannot commit the crime of corruption; one person can commit the crime of murder for instance. Now is the time for the second person to stand trial. 

Our country was prejudiced by the trial of Shaik alone! Zuma should have been with him.

Another interesting fact to notice is that the trial judge is still not named - you can read it at this link

Will we get the same caliber  as that of Judge Hilary Squires? Let us hope so.


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