Tuesday 5 September 2017


He was treated like an animal for sale - or worse 

She was also treated like an animal on sale

I am back on this topic of slavery and human trafficking because it is very heavy on my heart. How on earth can anyone in his or her right mind treat people as if they are animals? Please read their heart rendering stories at this link. I do thank this photographer who took his time, money and other resources to research this topic and to bring it to us with this wonderful medium namely photography. 

How will you recognize a slave? Does this gentleman and/or lady look like a slave? Be careful with this question because it presupposes that slaves look like slaves, not so? No - a slave look like a normal ordinary human being BUT is being viciously exploited by another human being. 

Please share this story with other people and be on the look out and spread their stories. You might come across a slave especially if you drive by so called adult shops or brothels or night clubs. 


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