Wednesday 24 August 2016


Son-in-law in mother-in-law's bed! On his knees

Don’t mess outside marriage – it seems to me as if the silent invisible bystander is the Angel of Death. We all know the  "nice words" describing an adulterous relationship: skelm, skelmpie and so on. This is dangerous stuff and not to be caught in that web. 

It seems as if women are not safe with their lovers – be it in marriage or not.

It is not monotonous to read about another woman that was killed and that her lover [be it a husband or not] is the prime suspect; it is extremely upsetting. Howard Feldman writes and asks the question: Are bathroom doors killing SA women? You can read it by clicking on this link.

He refers to Oscar Pistorius and Jason Rohde. The cutting edge difference between these two is that Oscar is a murderer. Rohde is not guilty of anything and neither you nor I can accuse him of anything. He is a suspect; he was only arrested on Tuesday 22 August 2016 at his home in Bryanston. If you want to read that story, click here.

It is suggested that the statement “… women are not safe with their lovers …” are not entirely true and yet … Yet, there are women who are not safe.

Some years ago I was in the company of a state advocate where we were interacting in a murder case. During our tough and difficult discussions, he blurted out: “He must have loved her dearly!”

I was beside myself when he said that. Does that mean you kill your wife because you love her?

This “husband” killed his “wife” in cold blood and tried to commit suicide. He eventually was found guilty of murder and served a prison sentence. When he gave evidence at his trial, he burst out crying. The state advocate got a chance amid his heartrending sobs and asked him: “Mister, why are you crying?” We had to wait sometime for him to calm down and then he answered: “My wife is dead.”

You probably still remember the case of Fred Van Der Vyfer who was found not guilty of the murder of his girlfriend Inge Lotz in Stellenbosch some time ago? You can read a portion of his story by clicking here. The murderer is still at large. I wonder whether Fred is curious to know who killed his girlfriend?

BEELD of Wednesday 23 August 2016 on page 7 carries this horrific story about a man and his mother-in-law being in bed together. St Paul refers in 1 Corinthians 5 verses 1 – 2 about a similar kind of immoral affair. You can read Paul’s views here.

The teachings of Jesus Christ about a relationship between a man and a woman and more precisely between a married man and his wife are clear and unambiguous. You can read it in Hebrews 13: verse 4 by clicking here.

Sunday 21 August 2016


Professor David Goodall, Edith Cowan University, Australia at 102
Credit for this photograph goes to the THE NEW DAILY NEWSPAPER

Before I start my working day in my office as a lawyer, I want to share this with my readers.

Professor David Goodall, a scientist was "forced" out of the Edith Cowan University in Australia for his "own good" - David is still making a daily difference at 102 years of age! Read this remarkable story by clicking on this link.

At 66 years, I have another 36 years to go. Just think what one can achieve and experience and contribute for another 36 years. I am fortunate not to work for a boss but to be a single practitioner.

I overheard a radio report a month or two ago about a lady working in Warren Buffet's company also at 102 years. 

My friend Jack Steyn passed away at 93 and he was still translating his favorite author Goethe and reading his newspapers everyday. He loved an intellectual sparring. 

Jack Steyn shortly before his demise

I am acutely aware that it is a rarity; nevertheless it is there! We are living in an age where the octogenarian and centenarians are becoming the norm and no longer the exception. 

During 2009 I visited Tannie Bessie Du Toit from Strydenburg in the Northern Cape who is a family member of mine. She was so excited to have met me and we got on like a house on fire. I asked her wether she still reads. She immediately pointed out a stack of books on the table next to her and said that she has just finished those. The one she was reading at the time had something to do with positive living! In the corner of her room in the old age home, there was a stack of magazines and books that she had gone thru earlier. 

She recommended that I go and visit an "old lady" further down the road who was 105 years. 

About five months after my visit to my aunt, she passed away.

I asked God a favour and that is to grant me at least another 34 years - hopefully to die in my library, courtroom, garage doing some work, my garden, the kitchen or chatting with my wife.

Enjoy your day making some contribution towards life.

Please tell me you story! Send it to my e-mail address:

Tuesday 9 August 2016


Jeffrey Jacobs and Kian & Alex Van Buren, his first grandchildren! He started off with two

With the first post, I promised you an update on my story about the New York Grandpa Joseph Cotton [you can access his story by clicking on this link] with another story, this time closer at home.

Here is Jeffrey story with his two boys Kian & Alex Van Buren. When I received Jeff's story, I phoned my friend and asked him: "Where is your ice-scream?" I know my friend, he will not miss out on an ice-scream. True to character, he replied: "I have probably finished mine when the photo was taken." I can verily believe that.

I can do no better to tell his story but by quoting him in full:'

"In this day and age, it seems that young married couples wait, making sure they are secure in their ways of homes and work.

My daughter and husband both have high pressure jobs. As time passed we wandered will we have grandchildren. It is a family tradition to gather as a family at one of the family homes for a Sunday meal or birthday celebration. Before thanks giving this particular Sunday my son in law went to his mother, announcing “I want you to know that there is a little boy coming for you”. In the same breath he came to my wife stating; “There is also a little boy for you as well”.

What jubilation form all sitting waiting for food. Tears in the eyes of future grannies; TWINS!

Yes, the expectation and excitement was great. That prayer thanking God for the food turned into a prayer of praise and thanksgiving for God’s gift of two new lives.

Each week and month was eagerly looked forward to. Each doctor’s visit was an announcement that the small foetuses were growing. The wonder of seeing a scan of our future grandsons. As the mother’s body changed shape we knew that there were lives inside a future mother. Grandparents thinking who will the children look like?

With the changing shape of her body shopping experiences became a challenge having to put up with comments from on lookers. Each outing had its own story to tell. The last story that I remember was the shop manager taking my daughter to the front of the que to make sure that she never gave birth in the shop.

Saturday morning 24 March 2012 just before my daughter went into theatre we committed her and the nursing staff to Gods care and grace. Minutes later a phone call came from theatre stating that they were about to start. Minutes passed when over the phone the message came: the first baby is fine and then within moments the second baby is in good health.

As a grandparent going into the nursery was a going back in time remembering when my son and daughter were born. Taking photos was a great pleasure, seeing the perfect small fingers and toes. I remember going to the smaller of the two first who seemed so weak and frail, looking down at this small frame I gave a prayer of thanks, and asked God to keep His hand on him. Then walking over to the first born (2 minutes’ difference between them) I thanked God for him as well praying a special prayer that they would both be strong and health knowing Gods hand of blessing upon them as Jacob of old blessed his sons.  This was a special prayer for these two lives knowing that we do not have tomorrow in our hands as we experienced more than 25 years ago when our 3-month baby was taken.

Feeding them at the age of 4 weeks was a joy and privilege, this experience was to carry on for a number of years.

As time passed the boys grew in body and mind. The early mornings while granny slept Pa-Pa (as I would be called) read to them stories from the book they chose - the favourite been a book of all the animals that went into Noah’s Ark. To make the story more interesting for the boys I expressed the noise the animals made. Little did I know that Kian would put fear into his brother and friends by roaring like a Lion and all the children around him including his brother would run away crying saying that they were scared of the Lion that they heard.

The time of them riding on the small plastic motor scooters, using trucks in the sand, playing ball on the grass and the occasional wrestling on the carpet, with Pa-Pa being jumped all over, I saw these times as a training period for the future.

The closeness of brothers came out when a muffin was left on the coffee table and one of the boys found it. He broke it in half and shared with his brother. Also when the one was reprimanded by granny his brother ran and grabbed granny by the leg endeavouring to pull granny away from his brother.

When Ice creams were had two were taken one for the brother.

How quick those first years flew by.

The day came when the boys were of age to go to nursery school. Water ice creams kept in the deep freeze were the first port of call when the boys got home, after which an apple, banana or yogurt were consumed.  From a young age the boys knew where granny kept their specialities.

New experiences awaited Granny and Pa-Pa. We got a phone call from an irate father at supper time, when he asked his son over the phone: “Why don't you eat your supper”. An honest answer from a little boy: “I ate at Granny’s”

The swings followed by the Jungle Jim, the fruit trees were all ways a challenge. The sprinklers were a must, with two very wet boys running shouting “Granny we wet.” Imaginations runs wild with a piece of grass been a shark, octopus or where ever their imaginations took them. They themselves tell us they are a Wildebeest running like one or like Spider man - shouting “WEBS”; this meant you had to stand still because the Spider web has entangled you.

Birthdays being a special day for the boys and parents alike. Photos been a plentiful showing all stages of growing years, these I am able to savour at my leisure when all alone in my thoughts.  What they learn at home comes out in the open - in church after the pastor says amen; they in unison will both shout out loud “AMEN.”

Hurts are attended to by granny. Should she not be there Pa-Pa will kiss that dirty toe, removing all tears.

Seeing them run in the garden I see a young version of father and mother strong in body and mind. Teachings made will be their foundation for the morrow. What the morrow will bring we don't know, but we do know is that teachings at this young age will stand them in good stead for the years to come.

My prayer goes out to God our Lord Jesus that they will both walk in his image."

Alex & Kian Van Buren working in grandpa's yard

Thursday 4 August 2016


Hard evidence of a voter in yesterday's Local Governmental Elections

An election in South Africa during winter? According to some commentators it is only the second election in far more than 100 years in South Africa. One of the big six in the ANC Baleka Mbete complained about the elections that were held yesterday in winter time. Sorry, Madam, it was your government that chose this specific date - why where you complaining? 

Election day 3 August 2016 in Sandton a few blocks away from my home

Well, have mercy on the poor lady because she even forgot her Identity book at home and she was sent back to fetch it - click on this link . There is even a short video clip where she acknowledged that she was turned away. I think that was laudable of the election officers who was faced with this formidable woman to turn her away. 

I remind you that even our Constitutional Court turned her actions down - please click on this link to read the Con Court judgement of her actions as Speaker of the National Assembly in parliament.

For the Local Government elections results click on this link. This is a most interesting and very interactive website. I am sure that you will enjoy interacting with it - even if you don't like politics or politicians. 

It seems as if Nkandla is now firmly in the lead ahead of the ANC - click on this link to read everything about that. 

What is my reaction to the elections as a Christian? I am convinced that there are Christians in every party that contested this 2016 Local Government Elections. I am acutely aware of the injunction I find in St. Paul's letter to the Romans in chapter 13: 1 - 7 - that is definitive of my reaction to the present elections and times we are living in. Please click here to read that chapter.

When you read my pages, you will  notice that I am not a follower of the President Jacob Zuma - I have however to obey the rulers while I can legitimately oppose them as well which I did yesterday at the polling booth. I also oppose them in my blog posts. 

Thank you for reading my blog posts. I would however, appreciate it if you would interact with me by writing to me at my e-mail: 

Monday 1 August 2016


My friend Bob Saunders and McKenna Saunders [3years and 5 months] 

In spite of Jacob Zuma, our beloved President of the RSA and his antics and outrageous stories, we in South Africa have wonderful stories to tell. Please read my stories below about three grandpas: one in New York and two in South Africa. I intend to publish two more stories about us men who are grandpas. 

My friend Bob lives in Roodepoort area and is the proud [do I really have to say this?] grandpa of McKenna, his son and daughter in law's child. I sent Bob the link to Tedd Heisler's story in the New York Times that was published in 2009: ONE IN 8 MILLION and more particularly the story about Grandpa Joseph Cotton [he was 57 at that time] and his 4 grandchildren. If you want to read Joseph's story, you can click here

When I read Joseph's story the other day I was not an oupa - our daughter and son in law Rolf and Mispa Roux were expecting our first grandchildren. Please take notice: grandchildren. But for this story you will have to wait some time, suffice it to say that our grandchildren were born in the meantime.

Bob still thinks with a warm heart and fondness in his voice about the time he grew up and experienced his grandparents. Sad to say he tells me that their time is only a memory.

Bob writes that he teaches McKenna to smell the roses in his garden. I can just imagine this big friend of mine holding McKenna's little hand in his and then bending down discussing the roses and the smells! Sweet memories are made of this, not so? 

I also sent this story about Grandpa Joseph to my other friend Clive Schonken. There are six grandchildren: 19, 18, 17 and 16 [all girls] & 10 & 8 the two boys. Wow! He is a well seasoned oupa. His reaction to Joseph's story is encapsulated in his reply to me: 

"Soos Joseph sê, hy’t net vir tyd gevra, wonderlike tyd…oupa tyd. Fantasties, ek het hulle die veld en tuin ingeneem, hulle het gevoel, geruik, gebalanseer, geleef, “slip & slide”,gehol en gelag!

Dit was ek, my kleindogters en wonderlike oupa tyd en o ja, hulle het in die kleinste van klein badjies in die opelug, na n dag van vuil word, gebad.

Groete, jy sal dit self beleef."

Unfortunately he cannot give me photographs of his 6-pack - he had a burglary at his home and both his and his wife's laptops were stolen. 

In the meantime, after I published this story Clive was able to obtain only one photo so far of him with his first grandchild. Here it is: 
Clive Schonken and his first grandchild

I want your stories about your grandpa or if you are the grandpa, please write me a story about you and your young ones. Write me your story and send it to me at: