Tuesday 5 April 2016


Iceland's PM is a rookie in respect of avoiding difficult situations. He doesn't know how to handle it. He pulled the same trick or stunt the late old Advocate John Vorster [do you still remember that man?] pulled on journalists many moons ago. John walked out of the SABC's studios when his pants were on fire from the hot seat he occupied.

This scandalous behaviour of the Icelandic PM is a sequel from those famous/infamous Panama documents-leaks that are now splashed all over the world.

Sigmundur Davíð Gunnlaugsson
Prime Minister of Iceland

Sigmundur Davíð Gunnlaugsson, the PM of Iceland, did exactly the same. He alleged that he was "tricked" into the interview and then he just walked out. Just like that. Do you want to look how the PM did it? Click here. It is fascinating to watch.

No, oh no, Mr PM. That is not the way to handle matters - especially when the questions are getting tough. It is obvious that you are a rookie [I say this with the greatest of respect sir, but it is abundantly clear that it was inappropriate behaviour from your side.]

Sigmund - have a close look at how to behave.
Man o man, that's the way to do it.
The contortionist in Parliament

We in SA have an expert in avoiding trickery, avoiding facts, avoiding sinister dealings, avoiding parliament [even when the majority of members our rainbow parliament are his lapdog], avoiding our highest court views about his trickery and sinister behaviour. He is also a past master in blame shifting. He can even plead "Not guilty" with a straight face. Yes, it is our own Contortionist Jacob.

I am absolutely positive that our guy will teach/train/guide you how to handle it - provided that you get past the Gupta-family [who are, so it seems, the real government or power behind the presidential throne and further provided that you pay a handsome amount in that offshore accounts that you and you wifey holds. Please remember it should be for the benefit of the Contortionist or his nephew]. Don't try your luck with ex-Minister of Finance David Van Rooyen - he could only hang in for a mere five days before he got fired. He was not quick enough to get the keys to the strong room where all our money are kept [Oh my word! I do hope that there is something left].

He will of course also introduce you to his legal team and afterwards you can blame them for your actions. He will also introduce you to his service providers for shady deals.


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