Thursday 31 March 2016


ZUMA dealt a blow by the
Constitutional Court!!!

Constitutional Court in session

Zuma must go now - he failed to uphold the Constitution. The National Assembly protected this man and failed therefor to uphold the Constitution.

What a disgrace is the man - not the Presidency. What a disgrace is the National Assembly in all its shameful glory.

You can read the full judgment of the CC by clicking here.

The Con Court delivered a unanimous decision and said inter alia:
"Consistent with this constitutional injunction, an order will thus be made that the President’s failure to comply with the remedial action taken against him by the Public Protector is inconsistent with his obligations to uphold, defend and respect the Constitution as the supreme law of the Republic; to comply with the remedial action taken by the Public Protector; and the duty to assist and protect the office of the Public Protector to ensure its independence, impartiality, dignity and effectiveness.

Similarly, the failure by the National Assembly to hold the President accountable by ensuring that he complies with the remedial action taken against him, is inconsistent with its obligations to scrutinise and oversee executive action and to maintain oversight of the exercise of executive powers by the President.  And in particular, to give urgent attention to or intervene by facilitating his compliance with the remedial action."

It is very clear that the President is a failure as well as the National Assembly. Vavi called for Zuma to go and he called that the National Assembly should also go. You can read it here.

Madonsela is, according to the Court, the Biblical David that slayed the Nkandla giant - you can read it here.

Does any body really think that this man will go?

You can also see a youtube video when this matter was argued in the Con Court by clicking here.


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