Thursday 31 March 2016


Zuma the contortionist
[thank you Wikipedia for this image {link}]

But Zuma has survived every scandal and allegation against him because he is able to wriggle out of responsibility for his actions. He will attempt to do so again on the Nkandla matter because of the strategy he employed throughout the saga." [My emphasis]. Sorry guys, there was no space for the shower head. His signal is that he is on his way out of the box.

The Con Court

I think it would be disrespectful to congratulate the Con Court for its judgment. Why do I say that? Because that is what a court of law should do: deliver judgment without fear. In other words, the Con Court complied with its duties and calling as the protector of law and order. If only Zuma and the National Assembly had that integrity!! Wishful thinking.

The same argument would hold water in respect of the Public Protector and the present incumbent Adv Thuli Madonsela. She complied with her high calling to be impartial, objective and in this day and age to be fearless and steadfast. Not so Zuma and cohorts.

MSN news has this to say about Zuma and the Con Court judgment: you can read the full article here:

"But Zuma will not simply surrender. He is still holding an ace card and could drag the ANC down with him. By RANJENI MUNUSAMY.

In light of the binding ruling that both the president and the National Assembly acted unlawfully and in contravention of their constitutional obligations, can they retain their legitimacy? Can they be trusted to perform their functions for the remainder of their term? While the Constitutional Court affirmed the remedial action determined by the Public Protector for the sins of the Nkandla upgrades, there is no remedy prescribed for Zuma and the National Assembly being in breach of the Constitution and the law.

Zuma has caused so much reputational damage to the ANC, has failed in his leadership responsibilities and has brought the organisation into disrepute on so many issues that the Constitutional Court judgement should not even be needed as a basis to remove him from office.

But Zuma has survived every scandal and allegation against him because he is able to wriggle out of responsibility for his actions. He will attempt to do so again on the Nkandla matter because of the strategy he employed throughout the saga." [My emphasis].

I refer you to my previous blog write-up about two judges


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