Thursday 9 November 2017


Barack Obama, Melinda Gates & Bill Gates at the Goalkeepers Conference 20 September 2017

Engage change! Me as an individual? You must be joking! Or are you serious? Yes - this is serious. The challenge to me as an individual is to engage change, not only in my professional life, but also in my private life where I, at this moment, face massive challenges. 

Is SA a better place now post apartheid? Why do I ask these questions? It all started when I listened to Mr Obama's speech at the Bill & Melinda Gate's Goalkeepers Conference on 20 September 2017. It was midnight when I listened on my iPad and found the speech to be very good. In SA we are getting desensitized about crime and all the negatives in life. Is there something better? Can I as an individual really do something positive and make a difference? I argued with myself that it is easy for Obama and Bill Gates to talk - with all the money and influence they muster. 

Then Obama said something that pricked my ears. He was referring to the individual who is doing something positive and making a difference. I am an individual and maybe he was speaking to me. 

And that is exactly the position of Jacques Pauw: he is an individual and he did something positive! During November 2017 he wrote a blockbuster book that is a sell out within days. The title of that book is THE PRESIDENT'S KEEPERS.

I as an individual can and should engage change. That is what Barack Obama said: it was the individual who started it - perhaps the single mother with a sick child, perhaps an elderly parent who died as a result of some illness and it challenged a child to do something. Jacques Pauw says it was the appointment of Des Van Rooyen as Minister of Finance of SA that started him thinking and it culminated in his book.

Was this possible during the apartheid era? I don't think it was. 

This exactly Obama's message: We should engage change but do it realistically and be aware of the often seemingly insurmountable problems. It is not blind optimism; it is relentless optimism. He says the test is when  you are in the field and on the ground working at your goals and when people are resisting, misunderstanding or purposely undermining you - that is your real test. How do you respond? He calls us to reject cynicism and to press on with the job of making the world a better place to live in. We should not be afraid to work.  

The DA is challenging the President all the time; they are trying their best. Solidariteit is challenging the status quo all the time. 

Engage change!

This challenges me in my professional life BUT also in my private life with the personal challenges that I wrestle with moment by moment!!! Life happens! And what is my response? May God grant me the wisdom and grace to rise victoriously! 

Sunday 5 November 2017


Image from the internet - apologies for the quality!

In 1974 Sunny Ray volunteered to work in an Ethiopian famine camp. As her airplane landed, she was caught in the middle of the Marxist Derg's takeover & war. Watch Sunny tell her amazing story about something she did 34 years before and what she discovered - here is the link.4

It is really an amazing story - please keep on doing good deeds to people! Never give up on them!

May God bless you!

Monday 16 October 2017


Cameron Carpenter the punk look-alike organist

Wow! What a talent! I am speechless about this gentleman. When he closes his eyes while playing he transports one to another world where music lives. When you watch the video, have a look at his feet as well. The cameraman also concentrate on those shoes - and those shoes were not made for walking. I post two links to YouTube videos: the first is Rachmaninoff's Paganini Rhapsody for organ and orchestra. Listen to 36 minutes of him talking to you and playing his International Travelling Organ. The second link is to his Overture to "Candide".

I am positive that you will enjoy it as much as I did.

Saturday 14 October 2017


Has the Bible really been changed? 

During 1972 Josh McDowell had a book published: EVIDENCE THAT DEMANDS A VERDICT. I do have that book in my library. Now his son Sean updated it with his dad a whole lot of other scholars. Sean asks this question: Has the Bible really been changed? You can read an interview with Sean at this link. Mark Ellis, the author of that article, wrote: "Popular culture is awash in theories about alleged changes to the Bible that have corrupted its message and undermined its validity." 

Sean's reaction is: “Christians need to be aware of how strong the case is for the reliability of the Bible,” Sean notes. Both the integrity and the authenticity of the Bible is firmly established by the manuscript evidence, according to the McDowells."  I do agree with Sean that the integrity and authenticity of the Bible is firmly established. 

Please write me an e-mail and tell my your story: 

Wednesday 11 October 2017


Young man crossing the railway lines in Plumtree, Zimbabwe

I visited Plumtree area in Zimbabwe earlier in 2017 and took a lot of images. I made an improved version of my first video and you can find the YouTube link here: YouTube video.

It was great fun to make this improved version. I downloaded a photograph of the diesel locomotive and a video of it. Afterwards I found free downloads of music which I great fully use. Thank you to those people who make it available to us.

I hope that you will enjoy this one. Please write me an e-letter:

Monday 9 October 2017


Epiphyllum 2017

My wife and I are lawyers for the individual.

We, my wife and I, provide discreet personal attention to the drafting of testaments and estate administration.

We believe that the individual is most important especially in this day and age we are living in where computers and impersonal call centres are most fashionable and pervasive. It is our view that personal attention matters most, not only during times of bereavement but at all times. You and your family members need sympathetic and personal attention during such trying times.

We can assist you to tailor make your will – to your own dictates and preferences. It is obvious that you are not going to rule from the grave, as it were, but to have a testament drafted to suite your own personal circumstances. Please refrain from having a joint will between spouses; you are entitled to have your own testament drafted for you specifically.

If your testament is drawn properly, it goes a long way to smooth the administration of your estate. You should keep your documents in a safe place where someone you love and trust, will have access to.

This brings me to the point of deceased estate administration. When your loved one passes away, you are left with the task of sorting out his/her last will and wishes.

Who is going to attend to that?

Big corporate financial institutions?

Let me immediately admit that these big corporations do a good job of it. But it is, and remains impersonal, and you get a reference number and the call centre’s telephone numbers. You will hardly see somebody in person. To attend to the last wishes of your loved one needs careful consideration, execution and personal attention – don’t leave that to an impersonal touch!

My wife and I are a legal team with some years of experience behind us; I for instance was admitted as an attorney during 1979 and have also practised as an advocate at the Johannesburg Bar. Our offices are in Sandton.

We are available to serve you and your deceased loved one’s best interests.

Please get in touch with us immediately before it is too late.

Telephone: 084-456-1030 or e-mail:

Neels Coertse

Sunday 8 October 2017



It is interesting and heart warming that the two princes of the UK, Prince William and Prince Harry, disclosed their mental well being after the death of their mother Princess Diana way back on 31 August 1997. Prince Harry gave an extraordinarily frank interview about coping with his mother's death and he hoped to help "smash the stigma" and start a national conversation about mental health.

We all are hurting - some more than others. Having said that, I do not suggest for one moment that my hurt is bigger or more serious than yours or vice versa. There are various things that hurt us. Some of us have been rejected by their children; others had children dying or suffering from incurable diseases - suffering takes on a million different "faces".

What is hurting you? Jobless? Children becoming estranged from you? Write me a letter:  I would love to hear from you.

Thank you for reading my posts.