Sunday 12 February 2017



It seems as if this man, the honourable President, has lost all contact with reality. Watching SONA and the seriousness with which the opposition leaders treated the matter, looking at the grave and sullen faces of the judges inclusive of the Chief Justice, this character was the only one laughing. 

Do you remember President Kenneth Kaunda from Zambia and how that guy laughed? 

I am really disappointed in the judges not leaving Parliament - to my mind they then lent credibility to the unrepentant and dishonorable president. But giving it another thought these learned men/women, I am now only referring to the judges, could have created a constitutional crisis if they walked out., and I think they probably tried to avoid that. 

You will now recall that the DA already instructed their legal team to draft papers for the Western High Court. Looking at history this matter will eventually proceed to the Constitutional Court which will create another problem: How will the Chief Justice Mogoeng Mogoeng be able to participate in that matter? He was an eye witness to the proceedings on Thursday 9 February 2017. He had a ringside seat so to speak.


Wednesday 8 February 2017


Huang Jiefu, a former Chinese deputy health minister - photo website

The Vatican recently hosted an international conference on the illegal human organ harvesting and transplantation. China was the odd country out. China may still be using executed criminals' organs. Gross!!!

What about our own country the Republic of South Africa? The Rainbow Nation? It was reported during 2010 that at the Durban regional court Netcare KwaZulu (NKZ) pleaded guilty on 102 counts relating to illegal operations between June 2001 and November 2003. It was fined R7,820,000 (£704,000) - you can read it here.  

I wonder whether this is still going on? Human trafficking, prostitution, slavery, illegal human organ harvesting - one of the most obvious goals of these horrific acts is of course money. 

Wednesday 1 February 2017

Amazing woodturner in Morocco using his hands and feet on his lathe.

Hammer and horseshoe for a horse with a sore leg - hand made by Amy De Wet farrier

Amy De Wet is a farrier from Pretoria - everything he does is by hand. It is such a blessing to be able to work and to create things with one's own hands, and that is the reason why it strikes me when people do something with their hands. After Amy finished this horseshoe, he gave it to me and it now it sits on my stoep proudly welcomes visitors to my home. 

Have a look at this video clip of the guy sitting on the floor busy at his lathe. I hope you also enjoyed it as much as I did.

The holy mountain: monks of Mount Athos – photo essay

Monks on Mountain Athos

Have a look at this wonderful photo essay about the Monks of Mount Athos. I find great inspiration in these photos. Somewhere along the line it seems to me as if modern man lost this connection with our human soul and spirit. 

When I travel on the high ways and walking in the city or dining at restaurants, I observe and look at my fellow men travelling with me on the pathway of life. It is not always encouraging. When I see fathers and or mothers that are disconnected with their children, it kind of suffocate me. When I interact at church and I experience how cold and distant the elderly, the middle age people and the young ones are, yes even at church, I wonder how can we connect. 

I am hugely encouraged to see some statistics of my postings that at present the overall counter in respect of google is: 111654. Thank you to each and every one for looking, reading and I do hope find something that will encourage you to continue living a Christian life.

Sunday 29 January 2017


Neels Coertse and his organically grown beetroot.

I started growing vegetables on 1 January 2013 and is still in awe about the power of nature in my garden, My wife asked me on that day to take over the vegetable growing and I did. She created this wonderful garden and she even let me loose in it. 

In the meantime I discovered this lovely movie about growing vegetables organically. I really wish that you would take the time to look at this movie about Paul Gautschi: BACK TO EDEN

God bless you and your garden.

Monday 9 January 2017



This is to my mind such a well known photograph and I often wondered about the courageous photographer and the story behind this iconic image. You can read the fascinating story here

Please look at the video that is contained in the link above - it is scary and yet it was done and we still admire it today.

I give full credit for the photographer and Time and the link I referred to. 

We see a lot of daredevils today taking breathtaking shots all over the world - Red Bull website abounds with that: 

Best action from first week of Dakar Rally 2017

Sunday 1 January 2017


Guns are not for cosmetic purposes.

The statistics about violent crimes in my country the Republic of South Africa are staggering - and I am not going to publish it.

Please, be so very sensitive and aware of the violent nature of guns!!