Thursday 6 October 2016


Ms Evelyn A Ankumah, Ms Angela Mudukuti, Judge Richard Goldstone & Ms Fatou Bensouda

I attended a book launch at Webber Wentzel Attorneys on 5 October 2016. The editor of the book THE INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL COURT AND AFRICA is Ms Ankumah. The keynote was by H.E. Ms Fatou Bensouda, the chief prosecutor of the ICC [about the ICC:].

It was hosted by Webber Wentzel Attorney and the Dutch Embassy.

African countries are now complaining and falsely accuse the ICC of "colonialism" and that the ICC is unfairly targeting African Countries. It is abundantly clear, and it was so stated in the speeches yesterday, that the bulk of the human rights violations are committed on the African continent. It is also factually correct that almost all of the matters that are presently investigated by the ICC were referred to it by the African States themselves.

You will recall how the SA Government actively assisted President Al Bashir from Sudan to escape being arrested when he visited our country. You can read a lot of literature on this matter on the internet. It was announced at the meeting yesterday that the matter will be argued in the Constitutional Court on 22 November 2016. When you click on this link, it gives you access to the papers filed in the court.

Wednesday 5 October 2016


A Colombian busy voting - for or against peace? I do give credit to National Geographic photographer Sebastián Liste for this image.

According to news bulletins the Colombians voted against peace on 2 October 2016 and you can have a look at the National Geograpic photo essay against peace.

Just on the face of it, I ask myself a question: "Why would you vote against peace? or is it too simplistic to approach it this way?"

I however want to approach it somewhat from another angle, namely to look at the National Geographic images and to try and make sense out of that. My country South Africa have deep rural areas and it might be that an astute photographer could have taken those images somewhere in my country.

Public workers check votes after the polls closed at the Institución Educativa Nicolás Rojas in Yesca Grande, Quibdó, Chocó, Colombia. 
I do give credit to National Geographic photographer Sebastián Liste for this image.

These are interesting thoughts and ideas that are floating in my mind. I would appreciate it to hear from you. Write me a note and send it to my e-mail address:

Monday 3 October 2016


I took this photograph at the Jewish Ghetto in Rome at a restaurant during April 2016

My ideas about food photography changed drastically after I looked at the Pink Lady's International Food Photography competition. That is the reason why I can publish this photo as part and parcel of food photography.

My chickens' eggs

Those images are definitely not what we have to look at on Facebook - you've seen those half eaten pies with gravy all over the plate and the wording: Mwah! Or "delicious." And then everybody like it - can you imagine that? Well, you don't have to imagine it - it is in you face all over Facebook.

Enjoy the Pink Lady's photos.

Saturday 1 October 2016


President Barack Obama shares his handkerchief with the son of the Late Israeli President Shimon Perez.

President Barack Obama is a mensch! He shared his handkerchief with the Late Israeli President Shimon Perez's son at the funeral of his father.

The official photographer of the White House Pete Souza captured this unique moment - or is it unique? I don't think so. It shows us that the high office of the White House did not dehumanise Mr Obama.

Thank you Mr Obama for this moment. Thank you Pete Souza for sharing it with us.

Monday 26 September 2016


Mrs Sonja Smith, Mr Rian Jansen Van Rensburg, Dr Hannetjie Van Zyl-Edeling, Neels Coertse, Mrs Aderyn Exley and Prof. Ricky Snyders at the 22nd South African Psychology Congress held at Emperors Palace, Johannesburg on Friday 23 September 2016

We presented lectures at the 22nd South African Psychology Congress held at Emperors Palace, Johannesburg on Friday 23 September 2016 on the topic: THE COURAGEOUS CONVERSATION SYMPOSIUM: BE MINDFUL OF YOUR LEGACY. It is estimated that about 70 psychologists attended this specific symposium. You can have a look at PsySSA's website by clicking on this link.

I presented a lecture on the law relating to powers of attorney. You can read my notes below:

Presented at the 22nd South African Psychology Congress in Emperors Palace on 23 September 2016
·         Thank you for the invitation.
·         My presentation will focus on a very, very narrow aspect of the law of agency:
o   Parents suffering from dementia.
·         Spherical approach
·         The Law of Agency
·         Power of Attorney
o   What is a power of attorney?
§  General power of attorney.
§  Special power of attorney:
·         Example: to pass transfer.
o   How is it obtained?
o   Does a power of attorney terminate?
§  Let us quickly look (remember just on the surface) at the legal relationship between you and your aging parents.
§  Once again there are rules and exceptions to these rules/principles.
§  Of course an agent may renounce the power given to him.
§  Death or change of status of the agent [that is you]?
·         One example: insolvency of your estate?
o   End of your authority to act on behalf of someone else.
§  Death or change of status of the principal [that is your dad].
§  Change of status. What does that mean?
§  At time when the power of attorney was signed, the principal [your dad] was mentally incapable of understanding what he was doing, the authority is of course non-existent.
§  The case of supervening mental incapacity is much, much more difficult [the case where he started to suffer from dementia and the progression of this illness].
§  Your parent starts to suffer from dementia, not much, but you notice something is not right. I venture to state that the entire relationship between you, your siblings, other family members and your father and/or mother change forever.
§  What does the law have say about this fundamental change in relationship?
§  Let's look at what happens on ground level (according to our law as it stands this is illegal and not to be encouraged):
·         The agent (mostly a child with the power of attorney to act on daddy’s behalf) continuous to act.
·         This state of affairs is rather dangerous.
·         Your dad for instance is now completely "gone" and you continue to act in terms of your power of attorney.
·         Your estate is sequestrated or to begin with, you were an insolvent when you got the PA.
·         Or your estate is subsequently sequestrated: your actions are null and void and can be attacked in court.
·         Or, you are solvent and you continue to act although your dad is "gone".
§  The current law in SA is that the PA came to an end and all of your actions can be attacked in court.
§  Application in terms of the Mental Health Act. This a route that I don't recommend.
§  The other route is an application in the High Court in terms of Rule 57 with the heading: De lunatico inquirendo appointment of curators in respect of persons under disability and release from curatorship.
§  Expensive court application.
§  Time consuming.
§  Two appearances.
§  The SA LAW COMMISSION is presently (for a very long time already and not near to completion) is looking into the matter.
§  Maybe one day we will have an enduring power of attorney. I think it is necessary.
§  Are there possible solutions?
·         Yes.
o   Enter into an agreement with your dad the terms and conditions maybe:
§  You are “employed” to do certain things for him.
§  To continue with his business [you are now the business manager taking care of the business].
§  You are compensated for your “services.”
§  Have it tailor made for your specific circumstances.
·         Short list for further reading & some aspects that need further investigation:
o   Signing Powers in General [for private individuals and not for corporate or government officials].
o   Consent to Disclose Medical Information & DNR (Do Not Resuscitate) And South African Medical Association Living Wills a nd Advance Directive
o   Trusts [Alter Ego Trusts]: Badenhorst V Badenhorst Case:
o   Estates Administration: SA Law Commission Report:
o   SA Law Commission: Assisted Decision-Making: Adults With Impaired Decisionmaking Capacity:
o   Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and Optional Protocol:
o   Domestic Partnerships: Same Sex Relationships; Cohabitation Relationships SA Law Commission Report:
011 783 2248
084 456 1030

They very graciously gave me a certificate of Presentation:

Thursday 22 September 2016


John Drizzy Bergh - credit to Facebook photos on his wall

Listen to this young man talking straight talk to the clever students that are burning and vandalising their Universities and injuring people. Click on this link to listen to him.

I agree entirely with him. 

How can you justify your vandalism by burning down the very institutions you want to use to improve yourself? You want to qualify as a future leader, as a future intellectual and you act like savages? Who is going to pay for the restoration of these facilities? You allege that you don't have money to pay for your studies, then it becomes clear that you won't have money to pay for the restoration of the premises.

#feesmustfall #feesmustfallreloaded 

Monday 19 September 2016

Something beautiful: Mother Teresa declared a Saint

St Peter's Square from the Cupola of the Basilica on 9 April 2016

Something beautiful happened just the other day in Rome which a universal influence. Pope Francis declared Mother Teresa a saint and you can read about it by clicking on this link. I wished I could have been there! I took the above image on 9 April 2016 when my wife and I visited Rome for a life changing experience. As you can see the Square is rather empty compared to the throngs of people on Sunday 4 September 2016; have a look of what it looked like in the image below:

St Peter's Square on Sunday 4 September 2016 when Mother Teresa was declared a saint with the Basilica in the background. Credit to the Vatican's photographers.

In the day and age we are living in, I find this is a wonderful thing that happened whether you agree with the Roman Catholic Church's theology or not. 

The things this lady did is rather miraculous - she cared for the poorest of the poor.

Let each one of us try and do something good and out of the ordinary.