Monday 1 August 2016


My friend Bob Saunders and McKenna Saunders [3years and 5 months] 

In spite of Jacob Zuma, our beloved President of the RSA and his antics and outrageous stories, we in South Africa have wonderful stories to tell. Please read my stories below about three grandpas: one in New York and two in South Africa. I intend to publish two more stories about us men who are grandpas. 

My friend Bob lives in Roodepoort area and is the proud [do I really have to say this?] grandpa of McKenna, his son and daughter in law's child. I sent Bob the link to Tedd Heisler's story in the New York Times that was published in 2009: ONE IN 8 MILLION and more particularly the story about Grandpa Joseph Cotton [he was 57 at that time] and his 4 grandchildren. If you want to read Joseph's story, you can click here

When I read Joseph's story the other day I was not an oupa - our daughter and son in law Rolf and Mispa Roux were expecting our first grandchildren. Please take notice: grandchildren. But for this story you will have to wait some time, suffice it to say that our grandchildren were born in the meantime.

Bob still thinks with a warm heart and fondness in his voice about the time he grew up and experienced his grandparents. Sad to say he tells me that their time is only a memory.

Bob writes that he teaches McKenna to smell the roses in his garden. I can just imagine this big friend of mine holding McKenna's little hand in his and then bending down discussing the roses and the smells! Sweet memories are made of this, not so? 

I also sent this story about Grandpa Joseph to my other friend Clive Schonken. There are six grandchildren: 19, 18, 17 and 16 [all girls] & 10 & 8 the two boys. Wow! He is a well seasoned oupa. His reaction to Joseph's story is encapsulated in his reply to me: 

"Soos Joseph sê, hy’t net vir tyd gevra, wonderlike tyd…oupa tyd. Fantasties, ek het hulle die veld en tuin ingeneem, hulle het gevoel, geruik, gebalanseer, geleef, “slip & slide”,gehol en gelag!

Dit was ek, my kleindogters en wonderlike oupa tyd en o ja, hulle het in die kleinste van klein badjies in die opelug, na n dag van vuil word, gebad.

Groete, jy sal dit self beleef."

Unfortunately he cannot give me photographs of his 6-pack - he had a burglary at his home and both his and his wife's laptops were stolen. 

In the meantime, after I published this story Clive was able to obtain only one photo so far of him with his first grandchild. Here it is: 
Clive Schonken and his first grandchild

I want your stories about your grandpa or if you are the grandpa, please write me a story about you and your young ones. Write me your story and send it to me at: 

Wednesday 27 July 2016


General Titus Gaius Arch in the FORUM ROMANUM in Rome

My wife and I visited Rome during April 2016 and the FORUM ROMANUM in Rome was on my list to visit. If you click on this link, you can read about it in inter alia Wikipedia and a host of other websites. This should just wet your appetite to delve deeper into this fascinating place.

I was aware that on the left hand side of the Arch there are reliefs of the war loot he brought back from Jerusalem after he destroyed it in 70 n.C.  And I wanted to see that because the Apostle John's book REVELATION is all about the destruction of Jerusalem and the Temple.

On the inside of this Arch you can see the Jewish minora and the table of the showbread and other artifacts. Just as an aside the Jewish Historian Flavius Josephus writes extensively about the destruction of Jerusalem and the Temple in his WARS OF THE JEWS.

My photograph of the Jewish Minora that was captured by General Titus Gaius in 70 n.C. after he destroyed Jerusalem and the Temple.

I knew this Arch was there and I wanted to see it.

But then like a lightning bolt out of clear blue skies, something totally unexpected happened to me while we were walking down into the valley staring at the ancient buildings. All of a sudden on my left hand side I saw this notice board:

Temple of Castor and Pollux

This temple dedicated to Castor and Pollux was built round about 484 BC - that is a very long time ago and here it is standing in all its ancient glory and I was looking at it on my left hand side. I stopped and stared at it and then I grabbed my wife's hand and blurted out: "My dear, I read about Castor and Pollux in the Book of Acts! And now I see a temple dedicated to the patron saints of the seafarers! And it was built a very very long time ago!!

The apostle Paul was on a ship named named after these two guys on his way to Rome to defend himself because of his belief in Jesus Christ in front of the Caesar." You should also bear in mind that we entered the crypt of the St Peter's Basilica in the Vatican City just a day or two ago. While we were down in the crypt, father Simon Donelly pointed out the area where the apostle Peter's body was found after he was murdered. All of this was still fresh in my mind, when I came across this amazing place.

 And it looks like this:

I was stunned because I read about Castor and Pollux in the Book of the Acts of the Apostles Chapter 28: 11. I am of the opinion that it corroborates the Scriptures. When the author of the Book of Acts wrote this down, it was a current thing. The specific verse in Acts reads as follows: "After three months we put out to sea in a ship that had wintered in the island. It was an Alexandrian ship with the figurehead of the twin gods Castor and Pollux." Please visit the Bible Society of South Africa's website by clicking here

You can do a simple exercise and work out how long ago all of this happened. The remains of it still stands for all to see. This simple piece of evidence proofs to me the veracity of the Holy Scriptures. I am still stunned by this experience - I count it as a special blessing.

I intend to do more write-ups about the reliability and authenticity of the New Testament Scriptures. In the meantime, please write me note about your views. My e-mail address is: 

Friday 22 July 2016


Dis die laaste uitnodiging voor Maandagaand. Ek hoop regtig jy kan dit maak; kom asseblief en gesels saam met ons.

Die snypunt van die Christelike geloof en enige ander godsdiens ter wêreld is die opstanding van Christus. As Hy nie opgestaan het nie, “… is ons verkondiging sinloos, en ook julle geloof sinloos. Boonop word ons as valse getuies vir God bevind, omdat ons teen God getuig het dat Hy Christus  opgewek het …” [1 Korintiërs 15: 14 – 15]. ‘n Valse getuie in ‘n hof is ‘n onding.

Wat het die Apostel Johannes gesien toe hy daar by Golgota gestaan het?
En toe verskyn Christus aan vrouens -  hulle getuienis was uiteraard onder verdenking en hulle sou nooit in ‘n hof kon getuig nie.

Is daar verdere leesstof beskikbaar oor hierdie onderwerpe? Ja – daar is. Ek beveel aan dat jy die webtuiste opsoek en dit ernstig bestudeer. Moenie ‘n fout maak en dink dat hierdie goeters val uit die lug op ‘n mens nie. Dis harde werk. Tog daag ek jou uit om jou lewe hieraan te wy om Christus te soek en te volg.

Kom luister Maandagaand 25 Julie 2016 om 18:00 in die Parksig Kerksaal, Dundalk Laan, Parksig/Parkview wanneer ek hieroor gaan praat [en oor ander goeters].


Dis die laaste uitnodiging voor Maandagaand. Ek hoop regtig jy kan dit maak; kom asseblief en gesels saam met ons.

Die snypunt van die Christelike geloof en enige ander godsdiens ter wêreld is die opstanding van Christus. As Hy nie opgestaan het nie, “… is ons verkondiging sinloos, en ook julle geloof sinloos. Boonop word ons as valse getuies vir God bevind, omdat ons teen God getuig het dat Hy Christus  opgewek het …” [1 Korintiërs 15: 14 – 15]. ‘n Valse getuie in ‘n hof is ‘n onding.

Wat het die Apostel Johannes gesien toe hy daar by Golgota gestaan het?
En toe verskyn Christus aan vrouens -  hulle getuienis was uiteraard onder verdenking en hulle sou nooit in ‘n hof kon getuig nie.

Is daar verdere leesstof beskikbaar oor hierdie onderwerpe? Ja – daar is. Ek beveel aan dat jy die webtuiste opsoek en dit ernstig bestudeer. Moenie ‘n fout maak en dink dat hierdie goeters val uit die lug op ‘n mens nie. Dis harde werk. Tog daag ek jou uit om jou lewe hieraan te wy om Christus te soek en te volg.

Kom luister Maandagaand 25 Julie 2016 om 18:00 in die Parksig Kerksaal, Dundalk Laan, Parksig/Parkview wanneer ek hieroor gaan praat [en oor ander goeters].


Dis die laaste uitnodiging voor Maandagaand. Ek hoop regtig jy kan dit maak; kom asseblief en gesels saam met ons.

Die snypunt van die Christelike geloof en enige ander godsdiens ter wêreld is die opstanding van Christus. As Hy nie opgestaan het nie, “… is ons verkondiging sinloos, en ook julle geloof sinloos. Boonop word ons as valse getuies vir God bevind, omdat ons teen God getuig het dat Hy Christus  opgewek het …” [1 Korintiërs 15: 14 – 15]. ‘n Valse getuie in ‘n hof is ‘n onding.

Wat het die Apostel Johannes gesien toe hy daar by Golgota gestaan het?
En toe verskyn Christus aan vrouens -  hulle getuienis was uiteraard onder verdenking en hulle sou nooit in ‘n hof kon getuig nie.

Is daar verdere leesstof beskikbaar oor hierdie onderwerpe? Ja – daar is. Ek beveel aan dat jy die webtuiste opsoek en dit ernstig bestudeer. Moenie ‘n fout maak en dink dat hierdie goeters val uit die lug op ‘n mens nie. Dis harde werk. Tog daag ek jou uit om jou lewe hieraan te wy om Christus te soek en te volg.

Kom luister Maandagaand 25 Julie 2016 om 18:00 in die Parksig Kerksaal, Dundalk Laan, Parksig/Parkview wanneer ek hieroor gaan praat [en oor ander goeters].


Dis die laaste uitnodiging voor Maandagaand. Ek hoop regtig jy kan dit maak; kom asseblief en gesels saam met ons.

Die snypunt van die Christelike geloof en enige ander godsdiens ter wêreld is die opstanding van Christus. As Hy nie opgestaan het nie, “… is ons verkondiging sinloos, en ook julle geloof sinloos. Boonop word ons as valse getuies vir God bevind, omdat ons teen God getuig het dat Hy Christus  opgewek het …” [1 Korintiërs 15: 14 – 15]. ‘n Valse getuie in ‘n hof is ‘n onding.

Wat het die Apostel Johannes gesien toe hy daar by Golgota gestaan het?
En toe verskyn Christus aan vrouens -  hulle getuienis was uiteraard onder verdenking en hulle sou nooit in ‘n hof kon getuig nie.

Is daar verdere leesstof beskikbaar oor hierdie onderwerpe? Ja – daar is. Ek beveel aan dat jy die webtuiste opsoek en dit ernstig bestudeer. Moenie ‘n fout maak en dink dat hierdie goeters val uit die lug op ‘n mens nie. Dis harde werk. Tog daag ek jou uit om jou lewe hieraan te wy om Christus te soek en te volg.

Kom luister Maandagaand 25 Julie 2016 om 18:00 in die Parksig Kerksaal, Dundalk Laan, Parksig/Parkview wanneer ek hieroor gaan praat [en oor ander goeters].


Dis die laaste uitnodiging voor Maandagaand. Ek hoop regtig jy kan dit maak; kom asseblief en gesels saam met ons.

Die snypunt van die Christelike geloof en enige ander godsdiens ter wêreld is die opstanding van Christus. As Hy nie opgestaan het nie, “… is ons verkondiging sinloos, en ook julle geloof sinloos. Boonop word ons as valse getuies vir God bevind, omdat ons teen God getuig het dat Hy Christus  opgewek het …” [1 Korintiërs 15: 14 – 15]. ‘n Valse getuie in ‘n hof is ‘n onding.

Wat het die Apostel Johannes gesien toe hy daar by Golgota gestaan het?
En toe verskyn Christus aan vrouens -  hulle getuienis was uiteraard onder verdenking en hulle sou nooit in ‘n hof kon getuig nie.

Is daar verdere leesstof beskikbaar oor hierdie onderwerpe? Ja – daar is. Ek beveel aan dat jy die webtuiste opsoek en dit ernstig bestudeer. Moenie ‘n fout maak en dink dat hierdie goeters val uit die lug op ‘n mens nie. Dis harde werk. Tog daag ek jou uit om jou lewe hieraan te wy om Christus te soek en te volg.

Kom luister Maandagaand 25 Julie 2016 om 18:00 in die Parksig Kerksaal, Dundalk Laan, Parksig/Parkview wanneer ek hieroor gaan praat [en oor ander goeters].