Monday 21 November 2022

Blue South African Skies in Franschhoek, Western Cape

Number One. 21 November 2022

Try to write every day for 31 days. About what? Does it matter? Start writing. Turn up and the teacher will be there waiting for you! I do go to my office every day and sit an work. That is no problem to me. But to write something every day for the blog - that is a huge challenge and I am willing to take it on for at least 31 days. Wish me good luck.

Even if it is only one sentence – that is what I read about this Iranian artist/academic/philosopher. Just turn up. And start writing.

There are the stories about Julie and Julia. Mrs. Harris goes to Paris. Kurt Vonnegut. Do something. And do it every day. These were people who took on a challenge set by themselves. Like photographer who decided to take an image per day for 365 days. That is a huge challenge. 

 Julie decided to do something with her life at 30 years of age. And started cooking. She started cooking Julia Child. Mrs. Harris decided to buy a Dior dress. And she bought it - but ...

I am seventy-two. I did something with my life. Can I re-invent it and do something else? Of course. I am busy with it. Write thirty-one pieces for thirty-one days. And publish it.

Sitting in the dark in South Africa because our electricity provider decided in its eternal wisdom to go political and terminate best practice and to substitute it with shedding responsibility and terminate our electricity sporadically. But this blog post is not about our (non-)service interrupter it is about me and what I am doing right/write now.

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