Thursday 25 February 2021

Grendel Papawers Lockdown Poppies 2020


February 2020 was a normal month with normal human interaction and the comings and goings on between people continued on the face of it just like always. There was a threat brewing but, it was in the background and therefore part and parcel of background noise. Or so it seemed.

Suddenly by end of March 2020 in my country, South Africa, our government locked our country and started telling/commanding us to wash our hands. To keep a social distance - not a physical distance as it should have been, but a social distance. All of a sudden benches were out of bounds; demarcations in shops and outlets were painted on the floors. Coffee shops were no longer friendly places but dangerous places where you could contract the virus covid-19.

In this developing madness that not only gripped my country, but the world at large, it seems as if the sun would go down forever. Oh no! Oh no! I want to shout OH NO!!!!.  

Then a very special lady whom I will call Maryna appeared on the scene. In her hands she had some tiny baby plants: poppies. Because of the total lock down, she did not gave it personally but left it at our gate. My wife expected her to come but didn't see her delivering it. And she went back home. She left something behind - plants. Living things. 

We planted it in our back garden and waited for it to grow. We cherished it; watered it; looked at it and best of all our shadows fell on these wonderful little plants. And it grew. Even the sun loved it. And my bees fell in love with it as well. And the wind caressed it lovingly and softly. Back lit shadows provided a backdrop for me to take video recordings of these lovely red poppies. 

No - Maryna didn't see the flowers. What I am going to do is to forward her the link to my blog for her to see what happened to those plants. Maryna: you are the gift to us. Thank you.

The only noise you are going to listen to are from my bees, wind and birds. Keep very quiet while you look and enjoy this gift from Maryna.

It took a very long time for me to publish this - I was somewhat protective over this lot and wanted to keep it to ourselves. But no, I must share it with you.

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