Wednesday 18 February 2015


Zuma got a bloody nose from Mmusi Maimane in Parliament

These were very harsh words meted out to our Honourable President Jacob Zuma while he sat in Parliament by parliamentary leader of the DA on Tuesday 17 February 2015. Maimane respects the office of the president but he told Zuma in his face that he [Zuma] is not an honourable man. Can any one remember this happening in our Parliament ever? I would be pleased to hear about such an incident.

 It is shocking but worth every moment. I urge you to listen to this carefully constructed speech by a very brave man.

You can look at the video clip at:

Is Mmusi Maimane perhaps the personification of the little girl shouting that the Emperor is naked? I think so. Have a look at Wikipedia about this wonderful satire - maybe a case for our beloved Zuma:    I don't think that this man will ever understand this story - he might just break out laughing again. There is a delightful video on YouTube. Have a look:

Yes - I agree with you that parliament was in a mess on Thursday 12 February 2015 during this man's State of the Nation Address. Yes, I agree that the SAPS should never have been allowed access to sacred floor of Parliament. But Zuma let it happen in his honourable presence. Then this man got up and laughed - just as he sat laughing while Maimane is delivering the most scathing attack on this man in his personal capacity - to say to him for the world to hear: Mr President I respect your office, but you are not an honorable man.

What is even more disturbing is that the minutes of that fiasco were not reflecting the truth of  what happened in Parliament. This is downright fraud committed.

Not even this man's party the ANC tried to protect this guy. I think that he should resign his high office as President to go down in infamy. Well - the previous beloved John Vorster did not resign his high office.


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